Дизайн. Материалы. Технология

Дизайн. Материалы. Технология

Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

Requirements for manuscripts provided

1. The article shall be provided in two copies. When submitting a manuscript to the editorial office of the journal, the article is accompanied by a letter of recommendation to publication from the institution in which this work was performed, with the seal and signature of the head of the organization, as well as the signatures of all co-authors (in *.pdf format). The recommendation letter should indicate that the article has not been published in other publications and has not been accepted for publication by another publishing house / publishing organization, there is no conflict of interest.

2. Postgraduate students are not charged a publication fee.

3. On the first page of the article in the following order should be indicated: - UDC; – the name of the article in Russian and English (typed in uppercase letters in bold); – initials and surnames of the authors. For English-language data, the full name is indicated in the format: full name, initial of the patronymic, surname (Igor V. Potapov);
– affiliation (the name of the institution(s) in which the work was performed; the city where the institution(s) is located, the country) in Russian and English. If the manuscript is submitted from several institutions, they should be numbered superscript and also numbered by the authors of the article;
– abstract in Russian and English. It should be informative, with a volume of 250 to 5000 characters and structured in sections ("Objective", "Material and methods", "Results", "Conclusion"/ "Conclusion"); Findings;
– keywords (5-7 single keywords and (or) phrases, in the singular and nominative case) in Russian and English. The use of abbreviations is not allowed;
– author for communication (full name, name of the organization in Russian and English, e-mail of the author). The responsible author is the contact person between the publisher and other authors.

4. The volume of the article should not exceed eight pages of typewritten text, including figures, tables and a list of references. Line spacing is single. The font is Times New Roman. The font size is 12 pt. Pages should be numbered. The main text of the article should be structured into sections: "Introduction" with an indication of the purpose of the study, "Material and research methods", "Research results and their discussion" (the option "Research results", "Discussion" is possible), "Conclusions" and "Conclusion" (fundamental difference: "Conclusions" are necessarily numbered, "Conclusion" is typed with a narrative text). All abbreviations must be deciphered at the first mention.

The graphic part of the materials of the article (figures, diagrams) can be presented in the form of a vector or raster image of high resolution of at least 300 dpi. In addition to placement in the text, all illustrations (figures) should be represented by separate files (one picture - one file) of the appropriate format. Subscripts are printed in a text editor (not on the picture itself). The number of drawings or photos is no more than five. Drawings and graphs must be printed on a laser printer. All drawings and illustrations must have captions in Russian and English. Tables should be numbered and have names in Russian and English. For all indicators in the table it is necessary to indicate the units of measurement according to SI, GOST 8.417.

Formulas are typed in the MathType editor. Do not use indexes of capital letters and letters of the Russian alphabet. Commas are placed in decimals. Those formulas to which there are references in the text are numbered. When numbering formulas, it is recommended to use the decimal system. The sequence number is placed to the right of the formula.

References to the list of references are given in the order of citation of sources, indicated by the text in square brackets. References to textbooks, dissertations, unpublished works are not allowed. If direct citation is used in the text of the article, it is necessary to indicate the number of the borrowing page in square brackets, in addition to the number of the source from the article list. When referring to an article from periodicals, page numbers must be indicated. When referring to monoprints (individual books), the city, the publishing house, the year of publication, the total number of pages are given. All bibliographic information should be checked against the original, for the errors made in the description of the article are responsible. Links to electronic resources are issued with the indication of the title from the screen, links to the electronic resource and the date of application. The list of references is provided in two versions - "References" and "References".



  • Ivanov M. S., Solovyov A. V. Stylization of zoomorphic forms in graphic design // Design and architecture: synthesis of theory and practice. 2018. Vol. 1, No. 6. pp. 189–203.
  • Vinogradov O. V. Design of decorative products from glass: monograph. M.: Kharvest, 2012. 312 p.
  • The symbolic meaning of the elements of the composition. URL: http://travel3.ru/wp-content/uploads (date of access: 15.02.2021)


  • Ivanov M. S., Solov'ev A. V. Stilizaciya zoomorfnyh form v graficheskom dizajne // Dizajn i arhitektura: sintez teorii i praktiki. 2018;1(6):189–203. (In Russ.).
  • Vinogradov O. V. Dizajn dekorativnyh izdelij iz stekla: monografiya. Moscow, Harvest, 2012:312. (In Russ.).
  • Simvolicheskoe znachenie elementov kompozicii. Available at: http://travel3.ru/wp-content/uploads (accessed: 15.02.2021).

5. On a separate page (a separate file) information about the authors is provided in Russian and English, indicating the academic degree and title (if any), position, place of work and e-mail (e-mail) of each author.

6. The article must be signed by the author(s) and supervisor(s) (for graduate students).

7. Articles submitted to the editorial board are reviewed and considered by the editorial board. An article accepted for publication after editing is printed in the journal. Rejected articles are returned to the author in one copy.