Вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета технологии и дизайна

Вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета технологии и дизайна

Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

Rules for authors SPSUTD Series 1-3

- It is obligatory to submit a certificate of checking for plagiarism.

The payment for the publication of manuscripts isn't raised from graduate students. The editorial board of the magazine asks authors to be guided by preparation of manuscripts given below  rules:

The volume of article shouldn't exceed 12 pages of the typewritten text, total of drawings, including a, b, c, etc. - no more than 9. Structure of article. It is desirable to break the text into sections. At the end of article it is expedient to provide the conclusions.

The text of article has to be submitted in the Word or RTF format. Pages have to be numbered. Page fields – 25 mm. Material of article has to be stated in the following sequence:

UDC – Fat Times New Roman 12pt,

Full name of authors – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

name of the organization – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

Name of article – Fat Times New Roman 12pt,

Summary – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

Keywords – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

The name of article in English – Fat Times New Roman 12pt,

Full name of authors (the name of the organization in English) – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

The summary in English – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

Key words in English – Italics of Times New Roman 12pt

Text of article – Usual Times New Roman 12pt; a line spacing – unary

Mathematical formulas.
Are carried out in the MathType editors. Serial numbers are assigned only to those formulas on which references in the text are had. Number is put to the right of a formula. When numbering it is necessary to use through numbering. Interpretation of symbols is given in that sequence in which they are used in a formula. In decimal fractions ends are put.

Tables and drawings.
All drawings and tables in article have to be numbered and supplied with signatures; in the text of article accurate references to each drawing and the table have to be had. All drawings and tables settle down only in book orientation of the page. Raster and vector graphics (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, EPS) with the resolution not less than 300 dpi. All drawings have to be executed black-and-white, or in gradation gray, color drawings and photos aren't accepted (about full-color releases it will be separately reported). Drawings have to be clear and accurate, with well worked details. Instead of signatures in drawings it is necessary to use digital or alphabetic references which have to be explained in the signature under drawing or in the text. It is necessary to watch that designations in drawings corresponded to designations in the text and had the same tracing. Drawings in the text have to have through numbering. Besides placement all drawings have to be presented in the text by separate files (one drawing – one file) the corresponding format. Caption inscriptions are printed in a text editor (not in the drawing).

List of references.
Each article has to be supplied with the list of the used literature which is formed on the course of its mention in the text. Examples of registration of links: [1], [1]–[5], [3, page 20].

Examples of registration of the list of references:

- Golub Georg., Van Loun Ch. Matrix calculations. - M.: World, 1999. - 224 p.
- Alekseenko S.V., Nakoryakov V.E., Pokusaev B.G. Wave Flow of Liquid Film. N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1994.
articles in magazines:
- Katushev A.G. Distribution of shock waves in polydisperse gas-suspensions // PMTF.-1993. - T.34, No 4. – P. 24-31.
- Gruk G.R. An experimental study on the influence of riblets on transition // J. Fluid Mech. 1996. V. 3157. P. 31–49.
- Makarov A. G., Pereborova N. V., Egorova M. A., Zurakhov N. S., Kiselev S. V. Prognozirovaniye i sravnitelnyy analiz deformacionnykh processov polimernoy tekstilnoy pryazhi. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Tekhnologiya legkoy promyshlennosti. [News of higher educational institutions. Light industry technology], 2015. Vol. 28. No 2. 78-87 pp. (in Rus).
articles in collections:
- collection of articles / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Sib. department. Institute of hydrodynamics. 1987. V. 80. – P. 139-148.
- Pribaturin N. A. Effects of strengthening of shock waves and destruction of Paro - and liquid environments: dis.....cand. (dr.) tech. sciences. - Novosibirsk, 1994. – P. 54-55
Internet documents:
- Loginova L.G. Essence of result of additional education of children http://www.nir.ru/index.html (date of the address 20.06.2009)

Documents applied to article: the letter recommendation from the organization in which work is performed; the demand containing data on all authors (a surname, a name, a middle name, a position, the full name and the postal address of the organization, an office number, e-mail) with the instruction with whom to correspond; permission to publication from the organization in which work is performed.)

Article together with the demand for the publication (Appendix 1) are sent by e-mail (e-mail: nigelska@sutd.ru) or a usual mailing with an investment of paper and electronic option. Files need to be called according to a surname of the original author. It is impossible to place some articles in one file.

Articles which came to edition pass reviewing and are considered at an editorial board meeting. Article adopted for printing after editing and coordination with the author is published in the magazine. Date of receipt of article the last is considered after completion.

Appendix 1.

Data on authors

Surname, name, middle name*


Position, degree


Name and postal address of the organization


Office number with the indication of a code of the city






























* the first in the list - the author with whom it is necessary to correspond