Вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета технологии и дизайна

Вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета технологии и дизайна

Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

Order of consideration and reviewing of the scientific articles and materials provided for publication in the SPGUTD magazine Vestnik

1. All applicants for the publication of scientific articles and reviews reviewed compulsorily members of the editorial board or experts (on the recommendation of the editorial board), is a recognized expert on the subject of peer-reviewed material and have for the past three years, publications on peer-reviewed articles.

2. Responsibility for timely review are members of the editorial board and executive secretary of the magazine. Reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial office for 5 years.

3. Articles of the graduate students, competitors and other persons who don't have an academic degree (without co-authorship with candidates and doctors of science) pass reviewing by members and experts of an editorial board of the magazine on the basis:

- decisions of chair (scientific division) where work was performed, containing the recommendation to the publication of article in the magazine;
- the written response (review) prepared by the doctor of science who isn't the research supervisor or the consultant.

4. Articles of candidates of science (including in a co-authorship with graduate students, competitors and other persons, not having an academic degree) pass reviewing by members and experts of an editorial board of the magazine on the basis of the decision of chair (scientific division) where work was performed, containing the recommendation to the publication of article in the magazine

5. Articles of doctors of science (including in a co-authorship with graduate students, competitors and other persons, not having an academic degree) are accepted for reviewing by members and experts of an editorial board without any decisions (recommendations).

6. Authors bear full responsibility for reliability of the provided data, absence of the data which aren't subject to the open publication and accuracy of information on the quoted literature.

Articles pass discussion at a meeting of an editorial board for which reviews not less than 2 members or experts of an editorial board are submitted (1 written and 1 oral). In case of the subject of the manuscript is on a joint of the directions, two written reviews of members or experts of an editorial board are submitted for a meeting. Obtaining the decision of associate editors is allowed by e-mail.

7. The review has to contain:

- assessment of compliance of the contents of article to its name;

- assessment of relevance, scientific novelty and practical importance;

- concrete remarks and / or description of advantages of article;

- expediency of the publication of article in the magazine direction in general.

8. Reviewing is carried out anonymously. Violation of anonymity is possible only in case of the statement of the reviewer for plagiarism or falsification of the materials stated in article. Reviews of the manuscripts of articles prepared by members of an editorial board or experts go for acquaintance to representatives of higher education institutions and authors by their inquiry e-mail.

9. If the review contains recommendations about correction and completion of article, the responsible secretary sends to the author the text of the review with the offer to consider recommendations by preparation of new version of article or is reasoned to disprove. Article processed by the author repeatedly goes for reviewing.

10. Article is considered accepted to the publication not only in the presence of positive reviews, but also negative in case it was supported by most of members of an editorial board in the magazine direction. The order and sequence of the publication of article is defined depending on the volume of the published materials and the list of sections in each concrete release

11. The editorial board doesn't guarantee the publication of all provided materials. Article won't be adopted to consideration if it is published or sent to other editions; authors didn't provide in full the biographical particulars according to rules for authors; registration of the text doesn't answer above the specified rules. Edition reserves the right of editor's alterations of article without notice of authors

12. For graduate students the publication is free.

Providing manuscripts of articles

1. In edition by mail to the address: 191186 St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya St., 18, editorial office of the magazine. The Messenger or personally the author is provided the printed-out author's original of article in duplicate issued according to requirements of edition (rules on registration of the original of article are submitted on the site of the magazine: The messenger or are provided by edition at the request of the author). At the same time, the original of article is provided in electronic form on a CD disk or is sent in edition by e-mail to the address: vestnikspbgutd@mail.ru

2. Listing of the manuscript has to be completely identical to electronic version of article, pages of the manuscript have to be surely numbered

3. Articles of the graduate students, competitors and other persons who don't have an academic degree (without co-authorship with candidates and doctors of science) pass reviewing by members and experts of an editorial board of the magazine on the basis:

- decision of the department (scientific division) where work was performed, containing the recommendation to the publication of article in the magazine;
- the written response (review) prepared by the doctor of science who isn't the research.

4. Articles of the supervisor or the co-articles of candidates of science (including in a co-authorship with graduate students, competitors and other persons, not having an academic degree) pass reviewing by members and experts of an editorial board of the magazine on the basis of the decision of chair (scientific division) where work was performed, containing the recommendation to the publication of article in the magazine

5. Articles of doctors of science (including in a co-authorship with graduate students, competitors and other persons, not having an academic degree) are accepted for reviewing by members and experts of an editorial board without any decisions (recommendations)

6. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of the above information, the lack of data that can not be open publication, and accuracy of information on the cited literature

7. By e-mail within 5 working days notify the Editorial Board of the author (s) on receipt of the article to the editor. Terms of the review in each case determined by the editorial staff with the creation of conditions for the most rapid publication of articles.