Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 6, 2023


Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

Е.В. Кудрявцева, А.П. Михайловская, И.В. Елохин, Т.А. Сергеева, А.М. Шванкин
Предварительная подготовка лубяных волокон ферментативными препаратами

В.А. Жуковский, А.А. Лысенко, Н.Г. Медведева, И.Л Кузикова, Н.М. Бурмистрова,
Н.Ф. Уварова
Получение и биологическая активность волокнистых материалов с нано- и микрочастицами серебра и золота

А.М. Михаилиди
Металлогели на основе недериватизированной целлюлозы


А.П. Михайловская, И.В. Елохин, А.М. Шванкин, Е.В. Кудрявцева, Т.А. Сергеева
О возможности сохранения физико-механических свойств текстильных волокон в процессе их крашения в присутствии четвертичных аммониевых солей

Р.Ф. Ахвердиев
Прочностные характеристики кожи из шкур млекопитающих и рыбы модифицированных высокочастной плазмой

Н.Е. Федорова, К.Э. Разумеев, С.А. Голайдо
Исследования моделей контактирования волокон

В.И. Вагнер, Е.С. Чистякова, Н.С. Климова, Я.С. Томашевич
Определение степени достоверности цифрового прогнозирования эксплуатационных режимов полимерных текстильных материалов

Р.Ф. Ахвердиев
Сравнительная характеристика изменения структуры дермы КРС, овчины и семги под воздействием плазмы

И.М. Егоров, М.А. Егорова, Н.С. Климова
Методы спектрального анализа деформационных и восстановительных режимов полимерных нетканых материалов

Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

Л.Р. Фатхуллина, Л.Р. Ханнанова–Фахрутдинова, Г.И. Гарипова
О возможности применения генеративных алгоритмов в проектировании защитных жилетов для конного спорта и верховой езды

Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации

Н.С. Климова
Решение задачи повышения конкурентоспособности отечественных арамидных текстильных материалов на основе анализа и прогнозирования их функциональных свойств

А.М. Шванкин, А.П. Михайловская, Е.В. Кудрявцева, Т.А. Сергеева, И.В. Елохин
Методы цифрового прогнозирования деформационных процессов текстильных материалов

Н.В. Переборова, Н.С. Климова
Математическое моделирование - основа качественного анализа деформационно-релаксационных процессов арамидных текстильных материалов

Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

Н.Е. Федорова, К.Э. Разумеев
Силовые поля систем игл машин прядильного производства

А.Г. Макаров, А.В. Демидов, Н.С. Климова
Моделирование и цифровое прогнозирование эксплуатационных режимов геотекстильных нетканых материалов

Управление в организационных системах

А.О. Тармогин
Предпосылки и варианты трансформации системной архитектуры ФИС ГИА и приема

А.А. Яицкий, А.Э. Бердашкевич
Методы обучения персонала объекта критической информационной инфраструктуры при внедрении модели нулевого доверия

Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

Н.С. Климова
Моделирование процесса усадки и анализ деформационно-восстановительных свойств арамидных текстильных материалов

Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов

М.В. Пыркова, А.А. Подгорная, В.В. Сафонов
Реставрация старообрядческих меднолитых изделий

Виды искусства (Техническая эстетика и дизайн)

И.А. Слесарчук, Л.А. Королева, Т.А. Зайцева
Расширение функциональности сувенирных головных уборов на основе принципов трансформации



No 6, 2023

Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

E.V. Kudriavtseva, A.P. Mikhailovskaya, I.V. Elokhin, T.A. Sergeeva, A.M. Shvankin
Preliminary preparation of bat fibers with enzymative preparations
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_01
The article describes the use of biotechnology in the textile industry, presents the results of studies on the pre-treatment of bast fiber with various enzymatic preparations and their comparative assessment.
Keywords: biotechnology, enzyme, bast fiber, hemp

V.A. Zhukovsky, A.A. Lysenko, N.G. Medvedeva, N.M. Burmistrova, I.L. Kuzikova, N.F. Uvarova
Receiving and biological activity of fibrous materials with nano- and microparticles of silver and gold
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_02
The article is devoted to various methods of immobilization (fixation) of biologically active particles on fibrous carriers (substrates). Silver- and gold-containing fibrous materials from polypropylene (PP), Petryanov filters from perchlorovinyl fibers (FPP), cellulose and activated carbon fibers (AUV) were obtained. The following methods were chosen as the main methods for obtaining metal-containing fibrous substrates: magnetron ion-plasma sputtering, redox desorption (for activated carbon fiber materials - AUVM), mechanical fixation of silver and gold particles (on the surface of PP and cellulose materials by filtration). The biological activity of the developed fibrous materials is shown by the example of a gram-negative bacterial culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Using electron microscopy, the presence of particles fixed on the surface of fibrous materials, including nanoscale, has been established.
Keywords: nano- and microparticles of gold and silver, biological activity of textile materials, methods of fixing metal particles on fibrous substrates

A.M. Mikhailidi
Metallogels based on non-derivatized cellulose
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_03
Metallogels represent a class of composite materials obtained through the interaction of polymer gels with metal ions or nanoparticles. The utilization of cellulose for the synthesis of metallogels holds numerous advantages owing to the unique physical, chemical, and biological properties of this natural polymer. One accessible synthesis route involves using ready-made hydrogels for the introduction of metal nanoparticles and their oxides. Cellulose has limited solubility in certain solvents; therefore, derivatization is often conducted to obtain hydrogels, although direct dissolution with subsequent gelation is also possible. Agricultural, food, and paper waste can serve as sources of cellulose. This review discusses the selection of solvent for obtaining hydrogels from non-derivatized cellulose of various origins and explores synthesis methods for cellulose metallogels with transition metals. In the diffusion-reduction method for obtaining nanoparticles directly within the matrix of the polymer hydrogel, chemical and phytochemical reducers can be employed. The resulting composite materials – cellulose/metal in the form of metallogels – find application in the biomedical field (as antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer agents, carriers of therapeutic substances, and for tissue engineering), in environmental protection (wastewater purification through lowering the hazard class via catalytic reduction of harmful substances or adsorption of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metal ions), and exhibit potential as conductive and magnetic materials for wearable electronics.
Keywords: metallogel, cellulose, hydrogel, metal nanoparticles

Materials Science

A.P. Mikhailovskaya, I.V. Elokhin, A.M. Shvankin, E.V. Kudryavtseva, T.A. Sergeeva
On the possibility of preserving the physical and mechanical properties of textile fibers during their dying in the presence of quaternary ammonium salts
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_04
This article is devoted to the dyeing of textile materials in aqueous environments using chemical intensifiers and the assessment of changes in the main physical and mechanical parameters during the dyeing process: breaking load and relative elongation. The results obtained allowed the authors to recommend the studied quaternary ammonium salts as dyeing intensifiers for textile materials made of polyester, polyamide, cotton fibers and their mixtures, which do not impair the physical and mechanical properties.
Keywords: breaking load, elongation at break, dyeing intensifiers, polyester fibers, nylon, cotton

R.F. Akhverdiev
Strength characteristics of skin of mammals and fish modified with high-frequency plasma
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_05
This article deals with the problem of improving the quality and competitiveness of shoes and haberdashery in the market. One of the promising directions for improving the production of leather for shoes and haberdashery is the method of volume-surface modification using high-frequency plasma. Studies have shown that plasma exposure to some types of skin improves their strength properties. In this work, a comparative study of the strength characteristics of modified leather materials, including leather from the skins of cattle, sheepskin and salmon, was carried out.
It has been established that the optimal plasma treatment time is 3 minutes at a discharge power of 1.55 kW. In this case, the strength of the skin increases by 1.8 times for the skin from the skins of cattle, by 2.0 times for the sheepskin and by 2.1 times for the skin from the skins of salmon. Long-term processing for 5- and 7-minutes leads to a decrease in the strength of materials. Thus, the use of the method of volume-surface modification using plasma can be an effective way to improve the strength characteristics of leather materials, such as leather from cattle skins, sheepskin and salmon. This can help improve the quality and competitiveness of footwear and haberdashery products.
Keywords: shoe industry, haberdashery, quality, competitiveness, leather, plasma modification, strength, cattle skins, sheepskins, salmon

N.E. Fedorova, K.E. Razumeev, S.A. Golaydo
Studies of fiber contact models
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_06
The purpose of this work was to determine the factors that affect the force fields operating in the active working areas of technological equipment and substantiate their quantitative characteristics through mathematical models.
Research objectives: calculation of force fields in the active working areas of technological equipment when exposed to individual fibers or fibrous material by determining the forces acting on the fibers in the processing zones under study.
Experimental and analytical methods are used in the work. Mathematical models of fiber contacting are obtained.
Keywords: force fields, spinning, friction forces, pulling zone, carding zone, mathematical models, calculation methods

V.I. Wagner, E.S. Chistyakova, N.S. Klimova, Ya.S. Tomashevich
Determining the degree of reliability of digital prediction of operating modes of polymer textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_07
The issues of determining the degree of reliability and increasing the accuracy of digital forecasting of operating conditions of polymer textile materials are considered, which are important from both the scientific research and practical sides, since this makes it possible to obtain recommendations for the creation of new promising materials with specified functional properties. The article discusses a method for optimizing mathematical modeling of the fundamental deformation and operational modes of polymer textile materials.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, optimization criteria, polymer textile materials, deformation properties, relaxation, creep

R.F. Akhverdiev
Comparative characteristics of changes in the structure of the derma of cattle, sheepskin and salmon under the illumination of plasma
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_08
The article discusses the comparative characteristics of changes in the structure of the dermis in cattle (cattle), sheepskin and salmon under the influence of plasma. Methods for modifying the structures of natural materials, including the use of ionizing radiation, are described. Particular attention is paid to the interaction of HF plasma with natural high-molecular fibrous materials and the creation of modified collagen-containing materials on their basis for use in the light industry.
According to the results of the study of the structure of the dermis, plasma treatment has a different effect on the materials of different animals. In the salmon skin, there is a compaction of the dermis structure, while the arcuate structure remains preserved. The size of all pores is reduced, which can lead to an increase in the strength properties of the skin. In the skin of a sheep, the structure is also compacted and the size of all pores is reduced, which increases the density of the material. In the skin of cattle, slight changes in small pores, a decrease in the size of medium pores and an increase in large pores are observed. In general, plasma treatment contributes to the densification of the structural elements of all the studied materials.
Keywords: structure of the dermis, cattle, sheepskin, salmon, low-temperature plasma, fibrous materials, collagen

I.M. Egorov, M.A. Egorova, N.S. Klimova
Methods of spectral analysis of deformation and restoration modes of polymer nonwoven materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_09
The article discusses the issues of spectral analysis of deformation and recovery modes of operation of polymer nonwoven materials, which are widely used in various fields of economics. An important area of research into deformation and recovery modes of operation of polymer nonwoven materials is the identification of elastic, viscoelastic and plastic components of deformation of these materials.
Keywords: spectral analysis, mathematical modeling, forecasting, nonwoven materials, deformation modes, recovery modes

Technology for the production of textile and light industry products

L.R. Fatkhullina, L.R. Khannanova–Fakhrutdinova, G.I. Garipova
On the possibility of using generative algorithms in the design of protective vests for equestrian sports and horseback riding
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_10
In modern economic conditions, the problem of equipment for various sports is a promising direction for Russian manufacturers. One of the most expensive sports is equestrian sports, which is in second place in the ranking of the most expensive types. It is considered quite traumatic, since falling from a horse, especially at a gallop, is comparable to falling from a height of a five-story building or falling out of a moving car. Therefore, designing a protective vest using generative algorithms allows you to significantly expand the compositional range of artistic images, which is an urgent production task for the changeability of the assortment of sewing enterprises.
Keywords: protective vests, generative algorithm, neural network, requirements, equestrian sports, horse riding, production, assortment, standard size

System analysis, management and information processing

N.S. Klimova
Solving the problem of increasing the competitiveness of domestic aramid textile materials based on analysis and prediction of their functional properties
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_11
The article describes methods for increasing the competitiveness of aramid textile materials, based on a comprehensive analysis of their functional properties. In turn, this analysis is based on methods of mathematical modeling and computer prediction of deformation-relaxation processes of these materials.
Keywords: aramid materials, textile materials, modeling, deformation, relaxation, competitiveness, performance properties, computer forecasting

A.M. Shvankin, A.P. Mikhailovskaya, E.V. Kudryavtseva, T.A. Sergeeva, I.V. Elokhin
Methods for digital prediction of deformation processes in textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_12
The development of new digital methods for predicting deformation processes of textile materials is justified by the need to design new textile products based on these materials that have the required functionality and specified performance properties.
Digital prediction of deformation processes allows us to obtain information about the functional and performance properties of the textile materials under study. Such prediction must be carried out on the basis of the governing integral equations of viscoelasticity of textile materials of the Boltzmann-Volterra type with integral kernels corresponding to mathematical models of relaxation and creep of these materials.
Keywords: polymer materials, deformation processes, forecasting, performance properties, competitiveness

N.V. Pereborova, N.S. Klimova
Mathematical modeling - the basis of qualitative analysis of deformation-relaxation processes of aramid textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_13
The article describes methods of mathematical modeling of deformation-relaxation processes of aramid textile materials, which form the basis for conducting qualitative assessments of the functional properties of these materials, increasing their competitiveness and improving operational and consumer characteristics.
Keywords: aramid materials, textile materials, modeling, deformation, relaxation, functional purpose, performance properties, computer forecasting

Automation and control of technological processes and production

N.E. Fedorova, K.E. Razumeev
Force fields of needle systems spinning machines
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_14
The purpose of this work was to analyze the results of research on the interaction of fiber with the needle system of spinning production equipment using the example of a batch comb machine.
Research objectives: forecasting the possibilities of calculating force fields in the active working areas of technological equipment when acting on individual fibers or fibrous material by determining the forces acting on the fibers in the studied processing zones.
The paper presents calculation formulas for determining the forces of fiber extraction from a system of cylindrical and non-cylindrical needles using the example of a processing zone on a combing machine, which allows us to predict the force fields of the carding zones and design the forces acting on the fibers.
Keywords: force fields, combing machine, tension force, accelerating force, restraining force, forecast

A.G. Makarov, A.V. Demidov, N.S. Klimova
Modeling and digital prediction of operating modes of geotextile nonwoven materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_15
The issues of modeling and digital forecasting of deformation modes of operation of geotextile nonwoven materials, including complex deformation-restoration modes, are considered. The mathematical model of deformation and operational processes of geotextile nonwoven materials is based on the spectral-temporal theory of viscoelasticity. The practical use of methods for confident prediction of deformation and operational processes of geotextile nonwoven materials is simplified by their digitalization.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, forecasting, geotextile nonwoven materials, deformation processes, recovery processes

Management in organizational systems

A.O. Tarmogin
Prerequisites and options for a digital transformation of the system architecture of a Federal information system of state final certification and admission
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_16
Federal information system of state final certification and admission of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education  due to its scale, adopted in the Russian Federation relevant regulations, as well as the current foreign policy situation (in terms of difficulties with the supply and operation of proprietary software developed outside the Russian Federation), should be among the socially significant state information systems subject to transfer to domestic software. At the moment, the system is based on a morally and technically outdated architecture mainly managed by Microsoft software (database management systems, virtualization systems, application software, operating systems installed in educational organizations and points of the unified state exam, and so on), which stops any attempts to develop or, for example, implement digital services due to the impossibility of setting up technical integration with current components. The article discusses a potential solution to this problem.
Keywords: Federal State Examination and Admission information system, Unified State Exam, digital transformation, system architecture, service, information technology, unified digital platform of the Russian Federation “GosTech”, Microsoft

A.A. Yaitsky, A.E. Berdashkevich
Methods of training personnel of a critical information infrastructure facility when implementing a zero trust model
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_17
This paper examines modern approaches to ensuring cybersecurity in Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) facilities using the Zero Trust model. As part of the study of the topic, an overview of examples of cyber attacks aimed at CII is presented, general principles of personnel training and the main cyber threats are highlighted.
The focus is on key aspects of the process of implementing the Zero Trust model, including technical and organizational aspects. Methods for personnel training are proposed, adapted to the characteristics of CII and the scope of application of the zero trust model. Additional training and testing methods are discussed in the context of improving cyber literacy and responding to cyber threats.
The work provides a holistic overview of modern approaches to training personnel in the field of cybersecurity for CII facilities, emphasizing the importance of a balanced combination of technological solutions and personnel training for the effective implementation of the Zero Trust model in critical information systems.
Purpose of the study: To develop a set of training methods for employees of organizations that are objects of Critical Information Infrastructure, taking into account the principles of the zero trust model.
Results: The results of the work are a set of methods that can be used as a guide when organizing cyber literacy training for employees of Critical Information Infrastructure facilities. The developed methods take into account the situation of introducing a zero trust model into the infrastructure and help to comprehensively increase the level of information security, protect against internal violators, and reduce the likelihood of security threats occurring. The application of the developed principles and stages of building the learning process are indicated. The relevance of the problem is given in view of the increasing number of cyber attacks on CII objects and protection methods.
Practical significance: It is possible to use the material to organize training for employees of critical infrastructure facilities or in ordinary commercial companies, optimizing it for situational tasks.
Discussion: Recommended aspects for further research are to specify the given methods for various objects of critical information infrastructure or for any industries.

Keywords: Zero trust model; Zero trust; Training; critical information infrastructure

Computer modeling and design automation

N.S. Klimova
Simulation of the shrinkage process and analysis of the strain-restoration properties of aramid textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_18
The article describes methods of mathematical modeling and comparative analysis of shrinkage and deformation-recovery properties of aramid textile materials. The internal rheological mechanisms of such a phenomenon as shrinkage of aramid textile materials are also revealed.
Keywords: shrinkage, recovery, aramid materials, textile materials, modeling, deformation, relaxation, functionality, performance properties, computer forecasting

Museum studies, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects

M.V. Pyrkova, A.A. Podgornaya, S.V. Safonov
Restoration of old believer copper-cast products
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_19
The methodology of attribution analysis of the material and the degree of preservation of the objects of restoration are considered: an Old Believer bronze cross crucifixion and a verso icon "Selected Saints: Guardian Angel, Venerable Zosima and Savvatii of Solovetsky" of the late XVIII-early XIX century made of brass. Qualitative chemical analysis of copper alloy is carried out.
Keywords: crucifixion cross, verso icon, degree of preservation, corrosion products, microscopic analysis, metal ions

Types of art (Technical aesthetics and design)

I.A. Slesarchuk, L.A. Koroleva, T.A. Zaytseva
Expanding the functionality of souvenir hats based on the principles of transformation
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_64_06_20
The article presents the results of research on the expansion of the functionality of souvenir hats due to the methods of transformation and combinatorics. For the first time, the the requirements are formulated, on the basis of which functional transformable souvenir hats are developed, reflecting the tourist attractiveness and uniqueness of the Primorsky Territory.
Keywords: souvenir headdress, transformation, functionality