Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 5, 2023


Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

А.А. Козлов
Моделирование деформационных процессов медицинских текстильных эластомеров

Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

А.В. Демидов, А.Г. Макаров, Н.В. Переборова
Цифровое прогнозирование деформационных процессов полимерных текстильных материалов с повышенной точностью

Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

С.А. Вассоф, В.И. Бесшапошникова, К.С. Гулина, Х. Хаммуд
Оценка показателей качества и анализ износа огнезащитных материалов и спецодежды

А.А. Копотилова, Е.С. Антипина, И.А. Хромеева
Поиск конструкторско-технологического решения пальто из коллекции Sacai по визуальным источникам

С.В. Киселев
Проведение качественного анализа процессов ползучести полипропиленовых и поливинилиденфторидных медицинских нитей

М.А. Гусева, В.В. Гетманцева, Е.Г. Андреева, А.С. Шаршова, Г.А. Христенко
Проектирование корсетных изделий для расширения модельного ряда одежды женщин с избыточной массой тела

Л.Л. Никитина, О.Е. Гаврилова, Н.В. Тихонова
К вопросу о перспективности разработки универсальных конструкций в современном производстве изделий легкой промышленности

Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации, статистика

С.В. Киселев, А.Г. Макаров
Методы качественного анализа деформационных процессов арамидных материалов

В.И. Вагнер, И.М. Егоров, М.А. Егорова
Проведение системного анализа деформационных свойств медицинских текстильных материалов

Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

С.Ю. Вавилова, Н.П. Пророкова, И.В. Холодков, Т.Ю. Кумеева
Влияние введения металлсодержащих наночастиц в структуру политетрафторэтиленового покрытия на его адгезию к полипропиленовой нити

В.А. Аниськова, К.Э. Разумеев, С.А. Голайдо
Получение нетканых полотен повышенной термостойкости

Н.В. Переборова
Доверительное прогнозирование релаксционных процессов полимерных текстильных материалов

Л.Р. Ханнанова–Фахрутдинова, А.С. Парсанов, Н.В. Тихонова, И.В. Красина
Анализ ассортимента изделий, применяемых для экипировки конного вида спорта и верховой езды

В.В. Головина, В.И. Вагнер, О.Б. Прищепенок, П.П. Рымкевич
Определяющее уравнение высокоориентированных полимерных текстильных нитей и волокон с учетом вынужденной ориентации

А.В. Демидов, А.Г. Макаров
Качественная оценка функциональности ориентированных полимеров на основе цифрового прогнозирования их эксплуатационных процессов

Теория и история культуры, искусства

В.В. Лаптев
Фотографические конструкции в иллюстрированных журналах Веймарской республики


И.В. Люкшинова
Исследование прочности тканей, используемых для пошива спецодежды работников после воздействия нефтепродуктов и многократных стирок

С.П. Рудобашта, М.К. Кошелева
Особенности процесса сушки нетканых материалов

М.В. Горбачева, О.А. Стрепетова, Т.И. Савельева
Влияние геометрических характеристик волосяного покрова на степень блеска полуфабриката каракуля

И.А. Гаджибекова
Классификация шубной овчины

Б.М. Примаченко, Н.В. Калик
Моделирование структуры и механических свойств полипропиленовой ткани для армирования композиционных материалов. Часть 3. Моделирование механических свойств ткани


No 5, 2023

Computer modeling and design automation

A.A. Kozlov
Modeling of deformation processes of medical textile elastomers
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_01
The article presents methods for mathematical modeling of deformation processes of medical elastomers used in implantology. Fundamental relaxation processes and creep deformation processes were selected as the main deformation processes of medical elastomers.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, elastomers, textile materials, deformation properties, relaxation, creep

Automation and control of technological processes and production

A.V. Demidov, A.G. Makarov, N.V. Pereborova
Digital prediction of deformation processes of polymer textile materials with increased accuracy
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_02
The issues of increasing the accuracy of digital prediction of deformation processes of polymer textile materials are considered, which are important from both the scientific research and practical sides, as this allows us to obtain recommendations for the creation of new promising materials with specified functional properties. The article discusses a method for optimizing mathematical modeling of the fundamental deformation and operational modes of polymer textile materials.
Keywords: increasing reliability, mathematical modeling, numerical forecasting, textile materials, polymers, deformation operating modes

Technology for the production of textile and light industry products

S.A. Vassof, V.I. Besshaposhnikova, K.S. Gulina, H. Hammoud
Assessment of quality indicators and analysis of wear of fire retardant materials and special clothing
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_03
The paper presents the results of a study of the physical, mechanical, operational and protective properties of fabrics in welders' workwear. A polynomial dependence of the breaking load of the fabric on the influence of production factors of the welder's work was obtained, which allows us to predict changes in the strength of the fabric during the operation of the product. The obtained mathematical dependence of the durability of the fire-retardant effect on the main parameters of the structure and properties of workwear materials, which allows us to predict changes in the stability of the fire-retardant effect of fabrics and welder's workwear as a result of the use of products and the loss of their original properties.

Keywords: properties, fabrics, workwear, forecasting, quality

A.A. Kopotilova, E.S. Antipina, I.A. Khromeeva
Search for a design and technological solution for a coat from the sacai collection by visual sources
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_04
The article discusses the possibility of recreating a complex design and technological solution of a product from visual sources.
Keywords: Sacai, deconstructivism, hybrid constructions, reversible coat, processing methods, double-face

S.V. Kiselev
Conducting a qualitative analysis of the creep processes of polypropylene and polyvinylidene fluoride medical threads
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_05
The article presents the results of research, modeling and qualitative analysis of short-term creep of polypropylene and polyvinylidene fluoride threads for medical purposes, and a physical analysis of such creep of these threads is carried out.
Keywords: medical threads, modeling, mechanical properties, deformation, elasticity, creep, polypropylene threads, polyvinylidene fluoride threads

M.A. Guseva, V.V. Getmantseva, E.G. Andreeva, A.S. Sharshova, G.A. Khristenko
Design of corsette products to expand the clothing range for overweight women
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_06
Modern industrial collections of clothing for plus size women are dominated by voluminous products with straight and extended silhouettes that hide feminine body shapes. The reason for the low aesthetic characteristics of models for demanding consumers is the complexity of design work and the high labor costs associated with achieving the required quality of fit of clothing. The article presents the authors' view on the problem of correcting physique deficiencies in female figures with excess fat mass. A shoulder product with the effect of tightening the loose subcutaneous fat layer is proposed as a form-setting tool. The design of the body product was developed based on the methodology for designing corsetry products in the polar coordinate system.
Keywords: body features of plump female figures, corsetry.

L.L. Nikitina, O.E. Gavrilova, N.V. Tikhonova
On the issue of the prospects for the development of universal structures in the modern production of light industry products
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_07
At the present stage of development of industrial production of light industry products (clothing, footwear, leather goods) The task of ensuring the competitiveness of products remains urgent. As you know, its provision is mainly the management of its two components: quality and cost. One of the directions providing an optimal combination of these terms is the use of universal product designs in production. However, the term "universal structures" itself has not found wide use in the theory of designing light industry products. To emphasize the universality of the design, the terms "unification" and "typing" are more often used. The unification of designs of light industry products is realized by using the same basic shape in the design process, for example, an assortment of summer shoes, in the use of unified parts in the development of a family of clothing models. Typing involves reducing a variety of product designs to the minimum required number of types (standard designs) of certain sizes, shapes and quality. However, the terms "unification" and "typification" do not fully allow us to characterize designs, for example, clothes in the unisex style, which are universal in terms of gender. The article reveals the content of the concept of "universal designs" and the prospects for the development of universal designs of light industry products using the example of designing a demi-season coat for older women.
Keywords: product, competitiveness, concept, models, clothing, coats, design, typification, universal design, unification

System analysis, management and information processing, statistics

S.V. Kiselev, A.G. Makarov
Methods for qualitative analysis of deformation processes of aramid materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_08
The article describes methods for qualitative analysis of deformation processes of aramid materials. The deformation processes of these materials are studied in the area of non-destructive loads close to their operating conditions.
Keywords: aramid materials, mathematical modeling, computer forecasting, deformation, plasticity, relaxation, creep

V.I. Wagner, I.M. Egorov, M.A. Egorova
Conducting a system analysis of the deformation properties of medical textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_09
The article provides a systematic analysis of the deformation properties of polypropylene and polyvinylidene fluoride threads for surgical purposes used for the manufacture of endoprostheses. The degree of influence of the properties of threads on the characteristics of mesh endoprostheses based on them has been established, which makes it possible to purposefully find ways to improve the quality of mesh endoprostheses. It has been shown that the elasticity of endoprostheses is mainly determined by their mesh structure, while remaining proportional to the elasticity of the thread.
Keywords: medical materials, system analysis, deformation, elasticity, mechanical properties, mesh endoprostheses, polypropylene threads, polyvinylidene fluoride threads

Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

S.Yu. Vavilova, N.P. Prorokova, I.V. Kholodkov, T.Yu. Kumeeva
Influence of the introduction of metal-containing nanoparticles into the structure of a polytetrafluoroethylene coating on its adhesion to a polypropylene filaments
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_10
Polypropylene (PP) filaments with a polytetrafiuoroethylene (PTFE) coating containing copper and silver nanoparticles stabilized with sodium stearate were obtained by melt spinning. The influence of the concentration of nanoparticles in the composition intended for the formation of the coating on the physical and mechanical properties of coated PP filaments has been studied. The influence of the components of the composition on the strength of adhesive contact of the coating with the PP substrate has been studied. The mechanism of destruction of the coating upon separation from the substrate is revealed. It is shown that the destruction of the coating occurs according to the cohesion-adhesion mechanism.
Keywords: polypropylene filaments, melt molding, polytetraforoethylene, coating, silver nanoparticles, copper nanoparticles, adhesive contact strength

V.A. Aniskova, K.E. Razumeev, S.A. Golaydo
Producing non-woven fabrics with increased heat resistance
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_11
The purpose of this study is to obtain nonwovens of increased heat resistance. Aramid fibers and heat-resistant textile waste were used in the work.
The prospects of using secondary heat-resistant fibers obtained from unfolded heat-resistant nonwovens, yarns, fabrics and textiles are shown.
Keywords: textile material, aramid fibers, nonwovens, recycled fibers

N.V. Pereborova
Confident prediction of relaxation processes of polymer textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_12
The issues of methodology and adequacy of mathematical modeling of relaxation processes of polymer textile materials are considered. The developed integral criteria for confident prediction of relaxation processes of polymer textile materials are based on minimizing the integral convolution functional corresponding to the defining equation of state. The introduction of the developed criteria for confidence prediction of relaxation processes of polymer textile materials is possible thanks to their computerization.
Keywords: relaxation, polymer textile materials, mathematical modeling, forecasting, optimization criteria

L.R. Khannanova–Fakhrutdinova, A.S. Parsanov, N.V. Tikhonova, I.V. Krasina
Analysis of the range of products used for equipping equestrian sports and horse riding
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_13
This article analyzes the range of products used for equipping equestrian sports and horse riding. The problems of forming an assortment of products for equestrian sports and horse riding are considered. The conditions and ways of development of this sports association in the near future have been identified. Norms and standards for rider's personal equipment are defined.
Keywords: equestrian sport, horseback riding, enterprises, assortment, composite materials, clothing design, vests, standard size

V.V. Golovina, V.I. Wagner, O.B. Prishchepenok, P.P. Rymkevich
Device for studying polymer materials in dynamic of deformation mode
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_14
The article presents a method of numerical modeling of viscoelastic properties of uniaxially oriented polymer materials. The models with two stable states considered earlier in the framework of the barrier theory of viscoelasticity do not have the ability to describe the entire variety of observed effects in such polymer samples. To eliminate the existing limitations in the description of the behavior of polymer textile yarns and fibers, a model with three stable states is proposed. As a result, a constitutive equation is obtained, which is a differential equation of the second order in time. It is noted that the solution of this equation in certain cases leads to an oscillatory relaxation mode. The results of experiments on the study of low-amplitude longitudinal vibrations on highly oriented polymer fibers are in agreement with this fact.
Keywords: polymer materials, synthetic threads, deformation, Boltzmann's superposition principle, barrier theory of viscoelasticity, constitutive equation, low-amplitude oscillations

A.V. Demidov, A.G. Makarov
Qualitative assessment of the functionality of oriented polymers based on digital prediction of their operating processes
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_15
Traditionally, predicting the operational processes of oriented polymers faces certain objective difficulties caused by the heterogeneity of the rheological structure of these materials.
The widespread use of oriented polymers in various fields of technology - from household polymers to the lining of space rockets and deep-sea vehicles - dictates the need to develop modern methods for predicting increased accuracy of their functional properties, including various deformation-relaxation processes.
The development of new methods for predicting the functional properties of polymer materials is justified by the need to design new innovative products based on these materials that have the required functionality and increased competitiveness.
Keywords: polymer materials, deformation processes, forecasting, performance properties, competitiveness

Theory and history of culture and art

V.V. Laptev
Photographic designs in illustrated magazines of Weimar Republic
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_16
This paper presents the historical experience of the organization of visual space and its artistic design by means of photography. The author considers the features of the artistic appearance of illustrated magazines of Weimar Republic as a whole. The article focuses on the issues of the use of photography and photomontage in the German workers' illustrated newspaper "Arbeiter-Illustrierte Zeitung" (Berlin). Based on a comparative analysis, it is concluded that this publication has become a symbol of the use of photographic designs and photomontage of the second half of the 1920s — the first half of the 1930s in illustrated periodicals.
Keywords: illustrated magazine, photomontage, avant-garde photography, graphic design, “Arbeiter-Illustrierte Zeitung”

Materials Science

I.V. lyukshinova
Study of tissue strength, used for sewing operating clothing for workers of the oil and gas complex, after exposure to petroleum products and multiple washings
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_17
The work carried out a study of the influence of repeated washing and petroleum products on the tensile load of fabrics used for sewing workwear for workers in the oil and gas complex. To assess the loss of strength after exposure to gasoline and motor oil, the oil resistance method was used. The study revealed that gasoline is the most aggressive medium, which has the strongest effect on the material.
Keywords: breaking load, fabrics for workwear, multiple washes, quality assessment, exposure to petroleum products, oil and gas complex

S.P. Rudobashta, M.K. Kosheleva
The features of the drying process of nonwoven t materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_18
Some features of the drying process of nonwoven laminated materials were researched, the results of experimental study of the properties of the material as an object of drying and the kinetics of its convective drying in laboratory conditions were shown.
Keywords: nonwoven laminated materials, the drying object, the drying kinetics

M.V. Gorbacheva, O.A. Strepetova, T.I. Savelyeva
Influence of geometrical characteristics of hair cover on the degree of shine of semi-finished karakul
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_19
The paper presents the results of the study of geometric parameters of the hair cover of semi-finished karakul to identify relationships with its shine indicators. The object of research was a dyed semi-finished karakul of black color, which was divided into three experimental batches, conditionally differing in the degree of shine, the pattern of curls arrangement and the direction of their open side. In the course of the research, a significant variability in the size of hair curls over the area of the pelt was established. The analysis of the obtained data showed that, despite the parallel-straight arrangement of curls in lot 3, their more correct shapes and regularity were noted only on the side and butt, thus forming the perception of the intensity of shine as a whole over the area of the pelt. It is revealed that the variability of geometrical parameters of karakul hair topography is directly related to the degree of shine formation and its uneven distribution.
Keywords: karakul, fur texture, hair shine, instrumental evaluation, fur properties

I.A. Gadzhibekova
Classification of fur sheep skin
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_20
The article provides a classification of fur sheepskin depending on the breed and regional origin, by the method of processing, by the length of the hair, by area, by the properties of the hair and leather tissue.
The properties of the hair and leather fabric of sheepskin coats are given. The place of fur coats in the classification of fur semi-finished products has been determined. According to the height of the hair, fur coats are divided into 3 groups: woolen with a hair height of more than 60 mm, half-wool - with a hair height of 25 - 60 mm, low-wool - with a hair height of 15 to 25 mm. The higher the height, the higher the heat-protective properties. According to the height of the hair, sheepskin belongs to extra-long-haired fur semi-finished products. The hair density is 20–40 hairs per 1 cm2 of skin area. According to this indicator, fur sheepskin belongs to the group of sparse fur - semi-finished fur products. The thickness of the leather fabric of sheepskin coats is up to 2 mm. In terms of thickness, fur sheepskin is considered to be a thick semi-finished fur product. There is a close relationship between the size and thickness of leather tissue. In terms of size, fur coats belong to large types of semi-finished fur products (the maximum area of fur coats is 100 - 120 dm2).
Keywords: sheepskin coat, breed characteristic, processing method, properties of hair and leather fabric, semi-finished fur product

B.M. Primachenko, N.V. Kalik
Simulation of the structure and mechanical properties of polypropylene fabric for the reinforcement of composite materials. Part 3. Simulation of mechanical properties of the fabric
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_63_05_21
The work is devoted to simulation of mechanical properties of the polypropylene fabric. Experimental researches of tensile strength characteristics of fabric were carried out. The results of experimental researches were processed according to standard methods of the state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Mathematical models of the dependence of the tensile strength characteristics of the fabric on the density of the fabric have been constructed. Extrapolation of the obtained models to a wider range of fabric densities was performed.
Keywords: polypropylene fabric, parameters of the construction, characteristics of mechanical properties, simulation of the properties, mathematical models