Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 1, 2022


Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации

Д.В Сичевой., К.Э. Разумеев, Е.П. Лаврентьева
Применение теории подобия и анализа размерности для прогнозирования разрывной нагрузки пряжи
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_01

П.П. Рымкевич, А.С. Горшков
Нелинейная модель Кельвина-Фойхта
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_02

Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

В.В. Головина, П.П. Рымкевич, В.И. Вагнер
Применение нелинейных реологических моделей к описанию и объяснению неклассического поведения продольных свободных малоамплитудных колебаний в полимерных нитях
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_03

О.Е. Гаврилова, Л.Л. Никитина, Н.В. Тихонова, Д.А. Федотова
Реализация принципов безотходного кроя при проектировании современной женской одежды
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_04

Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

Ж.Ф. Улугмуратов, А.С. Кенжаев, Х.Х. Бегалиев, И.Г. Шин
Математическая модель процесса обезжиривания при обработке шкур страуса
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_05

И.И. Морозова, Н.В. Тихонова, А.Ф. Фасхутдинова, Ю.А. Тимошина, Э.Ф. Вознесенский
Применение высокочастотной плазменной модификации для увеличения адгезионной прочности в сорбционно-фильтрующем текстильном материале
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_06

Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

И.А. Бойченко, Н.В. Бекк, Н.В. Тихонова
Особенности декорирования изделий из кожи западносибирского региона
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_07

Н.В. Бекк, Д.И. Колесникова, М.В. Таубе, Н.В. Тихонова
Кастомизация детской обуви как способ улучшения качества жизни детей с расстройством аутистического спектра
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_08

А.Г. Коган, В.Г. Буткевич, Ф.А. Полоник, Т.С. Столярова
Технологический процесс производства комбинированной огнетермостойкой пряжи
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_09

Управление в организационных системах

Д.В. Шалбуев, Н.И. Атанов, Т.Б. Тумурова
К вопросу о развитии кожевенной и меховой промышленности в республике Бурятия
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_10

Л.Л. Никитина, О.Е. Гаврилова, Н.В. Тихонова, В.А. Васильева
К вопросу о проектировании адаптивной одежды для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья на основе принципов здоровьесбережения
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_11

Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

Д.К. Панкевич, Н.Н. Иванова
Влияние структуры на водопаропроницаемость композиционных текстильных материалов для водозащитной одежды
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_12

О.А. Труевцева
Исследование функциональных свойств синтетических моющих средств, предназначенных для стирки детских изделий
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_13

Р.А. Абдул, Е.Г. Григорьева
Модель петли двойного прессового переплетения полуфанг
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_14

Процессы и аппараты химических технологий

Н.А. Ковалева
Методика построения заправочного рисунка тканей «summer and winter» на базе мотивного патрона
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_15

Д.А. Баишева
Разработка метода маркировки спортивного инвентаря для мас-рестлинга
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_16


И.А. Прохорова
Аналитический обзор публикаций по вопросу взаимосвязи окраски и структуры ткани
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_17

П.С. Карабанов, А.В. Кукарчук, О.Д. Мещерякова
Моделирование свойств обувных пористых материалов на основе ЭВА
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_18

А.В. Шестов
Технология получения специальных кож с улучшенными эксплуатационными характеристиками, устойчивых к воздействию нефти и нефтепродуктов
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_19

Теория и история культуры, искусства

О.С. Арно
Предвосхищение ренессанса русского балета. Костюм в контексте «старого» и «нового» балета
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_20

Е.С. Урсоленко
Репрезентация национального костюма киприотов в парадигмах цифровой культуры
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_21

Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов

Н.Г. Дружинкина
Портреты Н. А. Павлова в общем контексте развития русского искусства 1920-1960-х гг. (проблемы реализма в графике)
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_22

А.С. Ковальчук
Образы востока в живописных эскизах Леона Бакста
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_23

М.Г. Дудник
Колористические свойства декоративных медных покрытий, нанесенных методом холодного газодинамического напыления
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_24

Виды искусства (техническая эстетика и дизайн)

Т.А. Зайцева, Л.А. Королева, И.А. Слесарчук
Систематизация способов создания объектов современного дизайна из текстиля на основе принципов экологического проектирования
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_25

Л.К. Козырева, А.А. Болуденко
Креативная печатная реклама периодических изданий: анализ и сравнение 2000-2005 гг
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_26



No. 1, 2022

System analysis, management and information processing

D.V. Sicheva., K.E. Razumeev, E.P. Lavrentiev
Applying Similarity Theory and Dimensional Analysis to Predict Yarn Tensile Load
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_01
In this work, a mathematical model is obtained for predicting the breaking load of yarn. Similarity theory and dimensional analysis were used for calculations. This predictive method with a high degree of accuracy provides a multivariate model to describe the effect of structural parameters on yarn strength.
Keywords: yarn breaking load, twist coefficient, yarn linear density, prediction, similarity theory and dimensional analysis, mathematical model

P.P. Rymkevich, A.S. Gorshkov
Nonlinear Kelvin-Voigt model
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_02
A nonlinear rheological Kelvin-Voigt model has been developed. In the developed model, unlike the classical one, the damper is replaced by a non-linear active conformational element. Two regimes of polymer deformation are considered: creep and stress relaxation. For each mode, defining nonlinear equations are obtained. It is shown that the process of relaxation of mechanical stress and the process of creep in this case can be described by the same nonlinear equation.
Keywords: polymer threads, viscoelasticity, stress, strain, Boltzmann superposition principle, rheological models, Kelvin-Voigt model, barrier theory, active conformational element

Computer modeling and design automation

V.V. Golovina, P.P. Rymkevich, V.I. Wagner
Application of non-linear rheological models to the description and explanation of the non-classical behavior of longitudinal free low-amplitude oscillations in polymer threads
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_03
The article is devoted to the issues of nonlinear thermoviscoelasticity of uniaxially oriented polymeric materials. A physical model based on the theory of energy barriers is considered. To explain the mechanisms of deformation of oriented polymers and the possibility of predicting their mechanical behavior, a new nonlinear rheological model is proposed. A description of the rheological model of an ideal viscoelastic body is given, which takes into account the presence of one energy barrier. Based on the constitutive equation of thermoviscoelasticity as applied to uniaxially oriented polymeric materials, a new nonlinear highly elastic element has been introduced, which replaces the well-known Maxwell element in the theory of linear viscoelasticity. To eliminate the shortcomings of the ideal body model, a rheological model of a real viscoelastic body is obtained. This corrected model assumes the presence of not one, but several energy barriers in the material, the transitions through which have their own relaxation times. With the help of this model, the problem of vertical longitudinal low-amplitude oscillations of a load on a sample of a highly oriented polymer material is considered. The proposed rheological model made it possible to give a physical explanation for the observed phenomenon of the occurrence of beats in a system with one mechanical degree of freedom.
Keywords: rheological model, thermoviscoelasticity, highly elastic deformation, energy diagram, constitutive equation, oriented polymeric materials, low-amplitude oscillations

O.E. Gavrilova, L.L. Nikitina, N.V. Tikhonova, D.A. Fedotov
Implementation of the principles of waste-free cutting in the design of modern women's clothing
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_04
With an increase in the pace of life, the development of environmental thinking among the population, simple, inexpensive, environmentally friendly, original clothing items are in great demand, which is reflected in the approaches and design principles used by leading manufacturers in the light industry. Among the main directions for the development of clothing production, one can single out the use of eco-design principles in the design process, which makes it possible to increase the cost-effectiveness and manufacturability of the models proposed for production. Promising within the framework of ecodesign is the creation of rational designs of modern clothing, designed according to the principle of waste-free cutting, allowing to increase the volume of production. This is achieved by using productive equipment while reducing labor costs. The article discusses the advantages of the production of women's clothing of modern forms on the principle of a modular method. Industrial enterprises can, with relatively small investments in the reorientation of design and production, occupy a niche in the market of original products based on waste-free designs. The properties of modern materials allow the use of low-operational production technology using standard equipment. The experimental work carried out by the authors is devoted to determining the rational dimensions of parts and assemblies during layout for standard material widths.
Keywords: modular method, manufacturability, economy, design, design, models, withoutwaste cut, clothing

Automation and control of technological processes and production

J.F. Ulugmuratov, A.S. Kenzhaev, Kh.Kh. Begaliev, I.G. Shin
Mathematical model of the degreasing process in the processing of ostrich skins
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_05
In this study, work was carried out to optimize the degreasing process in the processing of ostrich skins. By applying the method of mathematical planning of the experiment, a planning matrix of a three-factor experiment was compiled and, on the basis of the experimental work carried out, a regression equation for the degreasing process was compiled. In order to reduce the negative impact of tanning wastewater on the environment, an environmentally friendly surfactant was used that meets the requirements of the European REACH and ECHA regulations. By determining the residual amount of natural fat in the degreasing process, the dependence of the degreasing effect on the chemical materials used and the factors affecting the degreasing process was established. The optimal parameters of the degreasing process during the processing of ostrich skins have been determined.
Keywords: ostrich skin, degreasing, concentration, processing, mathematical model, adequacy, parameters, factors

I.I. Morozova, N.V. Tikhonov, A.F. Faskhutdinova, Yu.A. Timoshina, E.F. Voznesensky
The use of high-frequency plasma modification to increase the adhesive strength in a sorption-filtering textile material
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_06
In the creation of sorption-filtering textile materials with a dispersed sorbent fixed on the surface, the adhesive strength between the sorbent and the adhesive composition is of high importance. The high operational stability of the sorption layer provides high protective properties of the material against industrial aggressive environments and toxic chemicals during operation. In order to increase the adhesive strength, plasma methods of processing the sorbent were used. In this work, the effect of plasma modification on improving the adhesive interaction of the sorbent with polymeric binders was studied.
Keywords: sorption-filtering material, activated carbon, adhesion, low-temperature low-pressure plasma, filter clothes

Technology for the production of textile and light industry products

I.A. Boychenko, N.V. Beck, N.V. Tikhonov
Features of decorating leather products of the West Siberian region
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_07
The article is devoted to the study of the ornamental decoration of leather goods of the peoples of Western Siberia. The features of decor for the selected region are considered. Conditional patterns of ornamental decoration of bags and shoes are revealed. The development of the technique of applying the ornament is reflected. The main locations of the decor and their nature are described.
Keywords: decor, ornament, footwear, leather goods, traditional applied art, Siberian region

N.V. Beck, D.I. Kolesnikova, M.V. Taube, N.V. Tikhonov
Customizing children's shoes as a way to improve the quality of life of children with autism spectrum disorder
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_08
This article deals with the problem of growth of children with autism spectrum disorder. A special system for monitoring the emotional arousal of a child is shown, its application in Russian practice. Examples of alternative placement of sensors on the child's body are given. The requests of consumers are analyzed, the relevance of solving this problem is shown. A solution is proposed based on the creation of open children's shoes, which includes the technology of smart sensors for collecting neural impulses from the child's body, for monitoring the psycho-emotional state of children with ASD. Namely, customization of orthopedic children's shoes.
Keywords: shoe design, smart shoes, autism spectrum disorder, customization, children's summer open shoes, children's social adaptation

A.G. Kogan, V.G. Butkevich, F.A. Polonik, T.S. Stolyarov
Technological process of production of combined fire-resistant yarn
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_09
A technological process for the production of combined fire-resistant yarn using glass fiber as a core and Arselon fibers as a wrapping layer is proposed. The physico-mechanical parameters of the threads have been studied. The ring spinning machine has been modernized. The influence of equipment operation parameters on the physical and mechanical parameters of threads is determined.
Keywords: technological process, fiber, thread, staple length, linear density, chemical resistance, fire resistance, moisture resistance, glass fiber, drafting device, packaging, optimization

Management in organizational systems

D.V. Shalbuev, N.I. Atanov, T.B. Tumurova
To the question of the development of the leather and fur industry in the Republic of Buryatia
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_10
The article presents the concept of development of the industry for the processing of sheepskin coats and leather raw materials in the Republic of Buryatia. An analysis of the livestock complex was carried outin comparison with the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District with the Siberian Federal District. According to the results of the analysis, it was found that the Far Eastern Federal District has a sufficient raw material base for the development of the leather and fur industrial complex.
Keywords: dressing, technology, processing, raw hides

L.L. Nikitina, O.E. Gavrilova, N.V. Tikhonova, V.A. Vasiliev
On the issue of designing adaptive clothing for people with disabilities based on the principles of health saving
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_11
Persons with disabilities (HIA) experience some difficulties in everyday life, they need to create an inclusive environment and special clothing. A serious problem for such consumers is the use of outerwear. Going outside is a test for the disabled. But such clothes, specially designed, usually cost a lot, and most of them want to have clothes that look not much different from the usual, but at the same time adapted. There is a need to develop affordable adapted products that can provide a comfortable state of health for the consumer throughout the entire period of use. Adaptive clothing designs for different consumer groups would provide comfort and cost savings for people with disabilities. There is a need for a new approach to solving this problem. When designing such clothing, it is worth revisiting the standard design process. To prevent the deterioration of the health of potential consumers, the most attention should be paid to the health-saving principles of clothing design, which should underlie the entire design process. Identification of the principles of health saving is possible on the basis of an analysis of the system of quality indicators and features of the operating conditions of products. Such an approach to design will allow diversifying modern clothing production in order to increase the versatility of products and reduce their cost, and, consequently, their accessibility to all segments of the population.
Keywords: shape, size, health-saving principles, adaptive design, clothing, design, experimental work, disabilities, cerebral palsy

Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

D.K. Pankevich, N.N. Ivanova
Influence of Structure on Water Vapor Permeability of Composite Textile Materials for Waterproof Clothing
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_12
Composite materials, which are a three-dimensional combination of textile and waterproof polymer layers, are used in the production of waterproof household, special and sportswear. The polymeric membranes that make up the composite are a barrier to atmospheric precipitation and wind, but are permeable to vaporous moisture in the presence of a humidity and/or temperature gradient on both sides of the material. The problem of studying heat and mass transfer in the "man - clothing - environment" system is especially important for clothing that performs a protective function, and studies of the relationship between the structure and properties of materials make it possible to implement the idea of ​​their targeted design, when the level of property indicators that ensure high quality of the finished product is predetermined. The article presents the results of a study of the structure and water vapor permeability of materials for waterproof clothing containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic microporous polyurethane membranes. Microscopy of materials and layer-by-layer study of their thickness were carried out. A close correlation dependence of water vapor permeability on the proportion of the membrane thickness in the total thickness of the composite material for materials with a membrane of various types has been revealed.
Keywords: waterproof materials, membrane, structure, thickness, water vapor permeability

O.A. Truevtseva
Study of the functional properties of synthetic detergents intended for washing children's products
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_13
The paper presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of children's washing powders of different brands. The studies were carried out on artificially contaminated samples. The composition of the pollutants included vegetable, dairy and mixed components. The quality of washing powders was assessed visually and in terms of washing. To calculate this indicator, the whiteness coefficients of contaminated samples were determined on a spectrophotometer before and after washing. Based on the results of the study, conclusions are drawn.
Keywords: washing powders, assortment, quality, samples, whiteness factor, spectrophotometry, washout index

R.A. Abdul, E.G. Grigorieva
Model of a loop of a double press weave semi-fang
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_14
The paper presents a geometric model of a semi-fang knitted weave. In the model, needle arcs and sketch arcs are represented as ellipses in two dimensions. The remaining components of the loops and sketches are taken as parabolic spirals wound on elliptical cylinders. The model parameters are determined for a flat knitting fabric made of wool yarn in an equilibrium state.
Keywords: knitwear, geometric model, loop, press weave, half-fang

Processes and apparatuses of chemical technologies

N.A. Kovaleva
Methodology for constructing a dressing pattern for fabrics "summer and winter" based on a motive cartridge
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_15
The article presents a technique for constructing a 3-element filling pattern of patterned large-rapport heald fabrics summer and winter (“winter-summer”) based on a motive cartridge. The problem of constructing cardboard for various types of summer and winter weaves is considered.
Keywords: motif cartridge, filling pattern, coring, cardboard, summer and winter weave, patterned weft

D.A. Baisheva
Development of a method for marking sports equipment for mas-wrestling
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_16
The possibilities of laser technology and ultraviolet printing for digital marking of sports equipment for mas-wrestling in the form of a QR code are considered. The surface roughness of the QR code profile has been studied depending on the parameters of its application. The results of the study showed that the method of marking the QR code on the inkjet marker complies with the requirements of the specifications.
Keywords: mas-wrestling, inventory, laser marking, ink jet marking, QR code

Materials Science

I.A. Prokhorova
Analytical review of publications on the relationship between color and fabric structure
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_17
The paper presents a review of publications with a retrospective of 40-50 years related to the study of various characteristics of fabric dyeing depending on its weave, structure, fiber composition, relief texture and other factors affecting the structure and properties of fabrics. The authors of the presented studies note that each of these factors changes the color characteristics and color perception of the dyed fabric. A critical analysis of the presented works showed that in order to assess the degree of influence of all these factors on the quality of colors, a complex indicator of the structure of the fabric is needed, presented in a quantitative value, which has not yet been determined. From the analysis of the presented works, it has been established that the most reliable and promising quantitative methods for assessing the quality of fabric dyes are methods based on innovative digital technologies.
Keywords: fabric texture, fabric structure, fabric filling, saturation, lightness, color coordinates, light reflection coefficient, light absorption coefficient, aesthetics of color perception

P.S. Karabanov, A.V. Kukarchuk, O.D. Meshcheryakova
Modeling the properties of shoe porous materials based on EVA
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_18
Models of the influence of injection molding modes of shoe materials based on EVA on the expansion index of molded parts and their mechanical strength are presented. It has been established that the molding modes have the opposite effect on the studied characteristics of the products. It is shown that the expansion coefficient should be controlled by the content of corrective additives in the composition, and the high strength of the product material should be ensured by optimizing the molding modes.
Keywords: materials based on EVA, coefficient of expansion, tensile strength, molding modes, degree of structuring

A.V. Shestov
Technology for obtaining special leathers with improved performance characteristics, resistant to oil and oil products
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_19
A technology is proposed for obtaining leathers for the uppers of special footwear intended for employees of oil-producing enterprises. Leathers for uppers made from cattle skins (cattle) produced by this technology are distinguished by a combination of high strength, hygienic and protective characteristics, including resistance to oil and oil products, as well as to biodegradation. The technology for producing special shoe leathers includes a complete complex processing of leather semi-finished products with non-equilibrium low-temperature plasma (NLTP) and a solution of silver nanoparticles (SNPs) at the finishing stage.
Keywords: non-equilibrium low-temperature plasma, silver nanoparticles, natural leather technology, special footwear, resistance to oil and oil products

Theory and history of culture, art

O.S. Arno
Anticipation of the renaissance of Russian ballet. Costume in the context of "old" and "new" ballet
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_20
The article deals with the artistic processes in the state theaters of the beginning of the 20th century. The activity of a private enterprise is affected, which influenced the creation of the "new" ballet and the evolution of the ballet costume. A comparative analysis of the conventional concepts of "old" and "new" ballet is presented in terms of the following components: libretto, centrism of the soloist, music, technique, the body of the dancer and his costume. The role of the Dying Workshop of the St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters in the reform of the ballet stage design and costume is considered. In the context of the evolution of the ballet costume, the activities of the Abramtsevo Artistic Circle, the Moscow Private Russian Opera, and the artistic association "World of Art" are analyzed.
Keywords: ballet costume, dyeing workshop of the St. Petersburg imperial theatres, Sergei Diaghilev's entreprise, World of Art, Moscow private Russian opera, Abramtsevo art circle

E.S. Ursolenko
Representation of the Cypriot national costume in the paradigms of digital culture
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_21
The article is devoted to the representation of the Cypriot national costume as a determining factor in the popularization of the cultural heritage of the island. The stages of the historical formation of the Cypriot costume, due to colonial oppression from neighboring states, are touched upon. For the first time in Russian, materials of the long-term activity of the Cyprus Institute, obtained by an empirical method, are covered, in which the combination of digital technologies with the folklore tradition of the island provides wide access to the audience. Particular attention is paid to the "RTI" technology for the formation of 3-D presentations of a digital platform in the process of recreating the surface characteristics of artifacts. The article is based on the principles of structural-semiotic, historical-cultural approach in the study of folklore heritage. The use of empirical (interviews, questioning) and typological-systemic methods allows us to comprehensively study the formation of a national costume in a historical and ethnographic context. It is concluded that the digital project of the Cyprus Institute contains a resource potential for the representation of cultural artifacts and the national costume of the Cypriots.
Keywords: digital culture, digital technologies, "RTI" technology, digital database of the Cyprus Institute, national costume, island of Cyprus

Museum studies, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects

N.G. Druzhinkina
Portraits of N. A. Pavlov in the general context of the development of Russian art in the 1920s-1960s. (problems of realism in graphics)
This article discusses the graphic works of N. A. Pavlov in the 1920s-1960s, the problems of realism in Russian graphics of the 20th century are examined. The portraits of the author's contemporaries, created from life and from photographs, are being studied.
Keywords: graphics, portrait, N. A. Pavlov, artists, Russian art, etching, printmaking, lithography, Petersburg, Leningrad, constructivism, realism, drawing

A.S. Kovalchuk
Images of the East in the picturesque sketches of Leon Bakst
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_23
The beginning of the 20th century in Russia is a time of change not only in the social system, but also a time of innovative ideas in art. The stable and prosperous life of society, the rapid growth of technology, all this led to the active development of cities, the construction of mansions and tenement houses. Along with this, there was a demand for decorative art, society strove for the unity of style and colors, which gradually led to a new image of the artist - designer. In Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, a new style arose - modern, which absorbed the motifs of antiquity and the East. The fragility of nature, its instability under the influence of human inventions, gave impetus to artists to pay attention to the beauty of the world around them. The center of the Art Nouveau style is a woman, fragile and graceful, but at the same time mysterious and passionate. Modernists stylize lines, shapes of objects, for example, Herman Obrist's embroidery “Blow of the Scourge” - many ornate lines woven together and gracefully curved. The young beauties of Alphonse Mucha are represented by the artist in the form of passionate and mysterious nymphs, their clearly traced contours of the profile, asymmetrically twisted hair, and soft peach skin are reminiscent of oriental women. The interpretation of historical styles in sketches and works of the early 20th century affected a whole layer of history, from the archaic to recent years. In the presented article, on the example of several productions, only one, but the most powerful source of stylization, the East, is analyzed. Bright works on an oriental theme are theatrical costumes and scenery by Lev Samoilovich Bakst, such as "The Blue God", "Cleopatra", "Scheherazade", "Peri", "Tamara", "Salome" and others, prove the brilliance, genius and innovation of the artist . His talent was fully revealed in the productions of Sergei Diaghilev's "Russian Seasons" in Paris. Each design of the performance for Leon Bakst was not only the discovery of something new, but also a search for oneself.
Keywords: sketches, scenography, stylization, decorative effect, Lev Bakst, artist, ballet, style, East

M.G. Dudnik
Color properties decorative copper coatings applied by cold gas-dynamic spraying
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_24
The article presents the results of a study of the coloristic properties of art products with copper coatings applied by cold gas-dynamic spraying (CCD), as well as a method for determining color, which allows improving the approach to decorating and restoring art products. This makes it possible to study the quantitative properties of the color of decorative surfaces, which largely determines the quality and aesthetic properties of coatings and their subsequent decorative processing.
Keywords: copper coatings, CGDN, decorative coatings, gloss, roughness, spectrophotometer, color properties, art products

Art forms (technical aesthetics and design)

T.A. Zaitseva, L.A. Koroleva, I.A. Slesarchuk
Systematization of ways to create modern design objects from textiles based on the principles of environmental design
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_25
The article describes the results of an analytical study on the establishment of classification features of methods for modifying textile objects of processing into the final design product with the formation of new structural and functional relationships that turn the product into a single harmonious whole. Using the basic principles of taxonomy, a tree-like hierarchical structure for the classification of a certain set of textile processing objects has been developed.
Keywords: modification, textile processing objects, ecological design

L.K. Kozyreva, A.A. Boludenko
Creative Print Ads for Periodicals: Analysis and Comparison 2000-2005
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_55_01_26
Considered creative print advertising 2000-2005. Comparison and analysis of existing advertising projects is carried out. The trends characteristic of the period under study are fixed, as well as the features of the graphic and stylistic techniques used in advertising are revealed.
Keywords: advertising, design, creative, periodicals, target audience, print advertising