Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 3, 2023


Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

В.И. Вагнер, В.В. Евдокимов, К.С. Чуркин, А.А. Колодин
Энергетическая оценка деформационных процессов полимерных материалов

А.А. Хамитов, Б.Б. Ахмедов, Х.Х. Бегалиев, И.Г. Шин
Разработка математической модели зависимости механической прочности и пористости выдубленной кожи методом полнофакторного планирования эксперимента

М.А. Егорова, С.В. Киселев
Разработка методов качественного анализа эксплуатационных свойств арамидных текстильных материалов

Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

Н.В. Переборова, Я.С. Томашевич, Е.С. Чистякова
Вопросы проектирования текстильных материалов медицинского назначения

А.В. Демидов, А.Г. Макаров
Прогнозирование упругих, вязкоупругих и пластических компонент деформации синтетических нитей

Н.С. Климова
Вариант математического моделирования деформационных свойств полиэфирных крученых нитей

Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации, статистика

В.И. Вагнер, Н.В. Переборова, Я.С. Томашевич
Метод прогнозирования вязкоупругости ориентированных полимерных текстильных материалов

А.А. Козлов, С.В. Киселев
Вариант прогнозирования обратной релаксации полимерных текстильных материалов

И.М. Егоров, А.А. Козлов
Вариант моделирования релаксационных процессов текстильных эластомеров для имплантологии

Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

М.В. Родичева, А.В. Абрамов, Е.Я. Сурженко
Цифровые двойники материалов и изделий швейной промышленности

И.Н. Леденева, Е.А. Кирсанова, В.В. Костылева, В.С. Белгородский
Исследование влияния времени воздействия растворов хлорида кальция на формоустойчивость обуви с верхом из валяльно-войлочных материалов

Ю.Б. Голубева, Е.И. Скирмонт, А.С. Ладэ
Ортопедическая обувь: история развития и современные тенденции развития производства

Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

Е.В. Кудрявцева
Получение антимикробных пленочных материалов путем синтеза биметаллических наночастиц медь-серебро

И.В. Елохин, А.П. Михайловская
Получение энергии из вторичного сырья на основе полипропилена

А.М. Михаилиди
Сельскохозяйственные и бумажные отходы как источник высококачественной наноцеллюлозы – обзор

Е.В. Кудрявцева
Придание антимикробных свойств текстильным материалам

Теория и история культуры, искусства

В.Л. Жуков
Синергетические интеллектуальные системы изобразительных искусств и дизайна: теория и практика проектирования метафор физических явлений и биоформ макромицет в художественных образах ювелирных дизайн-объектов

А.Н. Гольцова, Н.В. Бекк, М.В. Таубе, Н.В. Тихонова
Изделия бытового назначения как вторичные объекты по технологии рециклинга


Р.Р. Фаткуллина, Л.Н. Абуталипова, В.Ю. Матвеева
Исследование воздействия химического фактора на полимерно-текстильный материал

Н.В. Скобова, Н.Н. Ясинская
Влияние технологических параметров термопрессования при формировании многослойных материалов для одежды на их эксплуатационные характеристики

Б.М. Примаченко, Н.В. Калик
Моделирование структуры и механических свойств полипропиленовой ткани для армирования композиционных материалов. Часть 1. Исходные данные для моделирования



No 3, 2023

Computer modeling and design automation

V.I. Wagner, V.V. Evdokimov, K.S. Churkin, A.A. Kolodin
Energy evaluation of deformation processes of polymer materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_01
Energy estimates of the processes of relaxation and creep of polymers are considered. Polymeric materials have pronounced rheological properties, including: a flexible chain structure of macromolecules in an oriented state and having an amorphous-crystal- line structure at the supramolecular level. According to modern views of structural physicists, it is at this level that the rheological properties of polymers are formed - as a combination of elasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity.
Keywords: polymeric materials, rheology, activation energy, deformation processes, relaxation, creep, viscoelasticity

A.A. Khamitov, B.B. Akhmedov, H.H. Begaliev, I.G. Shin
Development of a mathematical model of the dependence of the mechanical strength and porosity of haven leather by the method of full-factory experiment planning
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_02
In the following work, the cellular and hardness of the leather for the upper of shoes have been investigated and a mathematical model of the leather tanning process has been created. At the same time, the method of mathematical planning of a full-factorial experiment was applied, a planning matrix for a three-factorial experiment was compiled, and experimental work was carried out. The results of experimental studies were processed by the method of mathematical statistics, the reliability and adequacy of the results obtained were verified. The porosity and hardness of the skins were taken as the response function. The cellural mathematical model reflects the dependence of the formation of cellural, leather hardness on technological parameters.
Keywords: leather for shoe uppers, tanning, concentration, processing, mathematical model, adequacy, parameters, factors

M.A. Egorova, S.V. Kiselev
Development of methods for qualitative analysis of performance properties of aramid textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_03
The article discusses methods for conducting a qualitative analysis of the performance properties of aramid textile materials. Knowledge of the viscoelastic characteristics of aramid textile materials for the intended purpose helps to make the best choice of materials with certain deformation properties. To determine the deformation characteristics of aramid textile materials, computer methods for the system analysis of their deformation properties are being developed.
Keywords: system analysis, mathematical modeling, textile materials, performance properties, aramids

Automation and management of technological processes and production

N.V. Pereborova, Ya.S. Tomashevich, E.S. Chistyakova
Issues of design of textile materials for medical purpose
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_04
The article is devoted to the design of textile materials for medical purposes. Recommendations for the design of these materials can be obtained on the basis of a systematic analysis of the performance properties of the materials under study, carried out in accordance with the developed criteria for a qualitative assessment of their functionality.
Keywords: design, mathematical modeling, polymers, textile materials, implants

A.V. Demidov, A.G. Makarov
Prediction of elastic, viscoelastic and plastic deformation components of synthetic files
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_05
The article deals with the issues of predicting the elastic, viscoelastic and plastic components of the deformation of synthetic threads. Methods are proposed for dividing the total strain and the mechanical work of deformation of synthetic yarns into elastic, viscoelastic, and plastic components that are essential in determining the functionality of these yarns.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, numerical prediction, textile materials, synthetic threads, elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity

N.S. Klimova
Variant of mathematical simulation of deformation properties of polyester twisted yarns
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_06
The article presents a variant of mathematical modeling of the deformation processes of polyester yarns of various degrees of twist. Reducing the degree of twist within acceptable limits while maintaining the necessary mechanical properties of the threads reduces the time spent on the technological process of production and brings an economic effect.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, polyester yarns, textile materials, deformation properties, relaxation

System analysis, management and information processing, statistics

V.I. Wagner, N.V. Pereborova, Ya.S. Tomashevich
Method for predicting viscoelasticity of oriented polymer textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_07
The article presents a method for predicting the viscoelasticity of polymer textile materials. One of the generally accepted options for this prediction is the option based on mathematical modeling taking into account the analytical approximation of experimental«families» of relaxation and deformation curves by normalized relaxation and deformation functions on a logarithmic scale of reduced time.
Keywords: viscoelastic properties, mathematical modeling, oriented polymer materials, textile materials, relaxation processes, deformation processes

A.A. Kozlov, S.V. Kiselev
Option for predicting reverse relaxation of polymer textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_08
The article presents an option for predicting complex relaxation processes, in particular, the processes of reverse relaxation of polymer textile materials. It is shown that when predicting these processes, it is possible to use universal mathematical models developed for simple relaxation processes, and when predicting the processes of reverse relaxation of these materials, results are obtained that are quite close to the experimental ones.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, forecasting, oriented polymer materials, deformation properties, relaxation processes, reverse relaxation

I.M. Egorov, A.A. Kozlov
Option for simulating relaxation processes of textile elastomers for implantology
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_09
The article discusses the option of modeling the relaxation processes of textile elastomers used in implantology. Based on the proposed version of the mathematical model of relaxation, the corresponding parameters of this mathematical model were determined, which are essential for carrying out a qualitative assessment of the relaxation properties of the materials under study and for determining their functionality.
Keywords: research, mathematical modeling, elastomers, textile materials, relaxation properties, relaxation

Technology for production of textile and light industry products

M.V. Rodicheva, A.V. Abramov, E.Ya. Surzhenko
Digital twins of materials and products sewing industry
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_10
The key role of digital twins of clothing sets has been revealed as part of a new approach to the production process in the concept of Industry 4.0. The analysis of the current state of the theory and practice of building digital twins is carried out, the possibility of using a hierarchical approach, which involves the development of a dynamic copy of clothing according to the principle of nesting, is substantiated. The applicability of mathematical modeling methods in the construction of digital twins of clothing sets is substantiated. Approaches to the numerical modeling of clothes are generalized, it is established that the process of modeling various structural elements proceeds according to similar methods and using qualitatively homogeneous tools. An approach to solving the problem of building digital twins of clothing is proposed. For this, a classification of existing numerical models has been developed, taking into account their hierarchy, and ways have been proposed for their potential integration within the framework of a digital twin.
Keywords: atomic digital twin, multicomponent digital twin, multicomponent digital twin system, clothing, textile fabric, textile thread, textile fiber

I.N. Ledeneva, E.A. Kirsanova, V.V. Kostyleva, V.S. Belgorodsky
The study of the influence of the time of exposure to cacl2 solutions on the form stability of the shoes with upper from felting-felt materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_11
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the time of exposure to solutions of aggressive reagents in the form of a solu- tion of calcium chloride on the dimensional stability of shoes with uppers made of felt materials. The article presents the results of a study of semi- and single-cycle properties of fine-wool felts for uppers. The results of the study will make it possible to predict the behavior of shoes with uppers made of the studied materials during their operation in the winter season in a metropolis.
Keywords: dimensional stability, shoes made of the felt, reagent solutions, physical and mechanical properties of the shoes

Yu.B. Golubeva, Ye.I. Skirmont, A.S. Lade
Orthopedic footwear: history of development and modern tendencies of development of production
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_12
The appearance of orthopedic footwear relates to the distant past. Diversity of constructions of footwear that occurs currently is not caused by external factors (climate conditions, conditions of labor, hazardous influence of the environment, etc.) alone but also by rapid development of technologies.
Keywords: history, orthopedic footwear, typical technological process

Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

E.V. Kudriavtseva
Obtaining antimicrobial film materials by way of synthesis of bimetallic copper-silver nanoparticles
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_13
The article considers methods for modification of polyvinyl alcohol and cellophane films by way of synthesis of bicomponent copper-silver nanoparticles. Reflection spectra, micrographs and infrared-Fourier spectra of the obtained samples, the results of the study of fungicidal and bactericidal activity are presented.
Keywords: nanotechnology, bimetallic nanoparticles, silver, copper, polyvinyl alcohol, cellophane, film, fungicidal, bactericidal

I.V. Elokhin, A.P. Mikhailovskaya
Obtaining energy from polypropylene waste
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_14
The paper presents the influence of chemical nature of modifier, catalyst of thermal destruction and type of polymer substrate on composition of products obtained as a result of hydrocracking of polypropylene has been studied. The factors determining receipt of hydrocarbons of kerosene-gas-oil fraction as a result of secondary processing of polypropylene fiber have been established.
Keywords: hydrocracking, hydrocarbons, quaternary ammonium salts, thermal catalytic destruction, gas chromatography

A.M. Mikhailidi
Agricultural and paper waste as a source of high-quality nanocellulose - a review
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_15
Agricultural and paper waste can be applied to produce new cellulosic materials, including nanocellulose (NC), which is in a high demand in the biomedical field, energy, environmental protection, it is widely used as an additive to enhance strength in various composite and smart materials. The development of alternative sources for the extraction of NC opens up new opportunities for sustainable and innovative production based on the efficient use of resources and reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment. In order to isolate NC, firstly, plant agricultural and paper waste are pretreated to remove the impurities using alkali solutions (2-17.5 %) and bleaching (oxidation) with NaOCl or H2O2. In some cases, the pretreatment stage is skipped, that simplify and reduce the cost of the production process, but the quality (chemical purity, degree of crystallinity, particle size) and the yield of NC decline. The main stage of obtaining NC is carried out using acid hydrolysis in concentrated solutions of mineral acids. To obtain NC with higher crystallinity values, it is recommended to use higher concentrations of acids and/or elevated temperatures and pretreatment with diluted NaOH solutions. Even from waste paper of low grades (newsprint, cardboard) it is possible to obtain NC with a high degree of crystallinity (up to 94.8 %) and a particle size of up to 4 nm. Thus, agricultural and paper waste is a promising raw material for obtaining NC, which is not inferior in quality to NC isolated from wood pulp.
Keywords: nanocellulose, agricultural waste, waste paper, acid hydrolysis

E.V. Kudriavtseva
Obtaining antimicrobial properties to textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_16
The article presents an overview of developments and studies of the antimicrobial finishing of textile materials, including methods for imparting bactericidal, fungicidal and antiviral properties to materials by applying dispersions of metal nanoparticles and their oxides, as well as by modifying substrates.
Keywords: nanotechnology, nanoparticles, fungicidal, bactericidal, virucidal

Theory and history of culture and art

V.L. Zhukov
Synergetic intelligent systems of fine arts and design: theory and practice of designing metaphors of physical phenomena and bioforms of macromycetes in artistic images of jewelry design objects
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_17
The relevance of this action lies in the use of systems of wildlife, represented by plants, animals and fungi (Fungi, Mycota), which are an independent giant world with about 60 thousand species. The significant variety of shapes and colors of the fruit bodies of large mushrooms is a significant reason for the creative modeling of artistic images in the visual arts and design. A certain typological correspondence of strange attractors sets figurative parallels connecting the geometry of the forms of physical processes of the chain reaction of fission of the nuclei of uranium atoms, which has a mushroom shape, with the semantics of cognitive technologies in the theory of fine arts and design.
Keywords: parure, mushroom-shaped cloud of a nuclear explosion, mushrooms, design, semantic network

A.N. Goltsova, N.V. Bekk, M.V. Taube, N.V. Tikhonova
Features of forming industrial products using recycling technologies
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_18
Modern approaches to work with objects from recycled materials in various production formats are considered. The characteristics of processing technologies are given. The influence of processing technologies on the shaping of final products is shown. Directions for research of the recycling process in the production of light industry products are proposed. Examples of the development of secondary objects by leather goods and shoe production are reflected.
Keywords: shaping, secondary objects, design, recycling, resource saving, economics

Materials science

R.R. Fatkullina, L.N. Abutalipova, V.Yu. Matveeva
Experimental studies of chemical factor influence to polimeric-textile fabric
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_19
The article analyzes the properties of a polymer-textile material after chemical exposure. Petroleum products, acids, solvents and mechanical forces are factors of environmental impact on the worker. Details of the protective overlays of the workwear are located in the places of pollution, i. e. in the elbow area on the jacket and in the knee area on the trousers. We have done material research before the workwear design. The time of protective action from sulfuric acid, the swelling properties of a polymer-textile material under the influence of a solvent, the change in linear dimensions after treatment with a solvent, the physical and mechanical properties of a polymer-textile material after simulated pollution and cleaning with a solvent «kerosene» were studied. In the first experiment, sulfuric acid is used to evaluate the acid-proof property and the effective protection time of a workwear. In the next experiment, the solvent is applied to the polymer-textile material to analyze the swelling properties, as well as changes in linear dimensions. In the last experiment, the physical and mechanical properties of a polymer-textile fabric are investigated after the sur- face of the polymer-textile material has been coated with a petrochemical product and then cleaned by immersion in a cuvette of kerosene. It was obtained that the protective properties of the material are preserved after exposure by sulfuric acid and after a bitumen-based mastic smear and cleaning by organic solvent. As a result of experiments it was found the breaking under tension index changes little (about 6 %) when we use kerosene as an external influence on the material.
Keywords: polymeric-textile fabric, chemical impact, physical-and-mechanical properties, workwear

N.V. Skobova, N.N. Yasinskaya
Influence of technological parameters of heat pressing in the formation of multilayer materials for clothes on their performance characteristics
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_20
The article presents the results of a study of the influence of the temperature of the heating plates of a thermal press and the duration of heating during the formation of a multilayer material for clothing for outdoor activities on its main consumer properties. The package of materials is formed from the top layer - cotton-polyester fabric, the lining - a two-layer knitted fabric with the insertion of functional threads (with the Quick Dry moisture management function, Soft microfilament, Thermo thermoregulating thread). As a result of the research, it was found that the presence of functional threads in the structure of the lining layer of a multilayer material affects its functional and consumer properties, this will make it possible to form a package depending on the requirements for the final product. Rational technological regimes for the formation of a multilayer material with high sorption and heat-shielding properties are recommended. The modes of thermopressing providing the maximum durability of connection of layers are established.
Keywords: multilayer textile material, functional threads, cotton-polyester fabrics, thermopressing, sorption and thermoregulatory properties

B.M. Primachenko, N.V. Kalik
Simulation of the structure and mechanical properties of polypropylene fabric for the reinforcement of composite materials. Part 1. Input data for simulations
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_61_03_21
The work is devoted to the preparation of initial data for simulations of the structure and mechanical properties of polypropylene fabric. The parameters of the structure and characteristics of the mechanical properties of polypropylene threads have been researched. The design and manufacture of four fabric options has been completed. Prepared fabric samples for research of structure parameters and characteristics of the mechanical properties. A technique has been developed for researching the parameters and characteristics of polypropylene fabric for the reinforcement of composite materials.
Keywords: polypropylene fabric, parameters of the construction, parameters of the structure, characteristics of the mechanical properties, weaving technology, preparation of samples