Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 1, 2024


Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации, статистика

А.В. Демидов, Н.В. Переборова
Качественная оценка функциональности полимерных текстильных материалов

Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

В.В. Максач, М.А. Чижик, В.Ю. Юрков
Разработка математической модели процесса формообразования поверхности из драпируемых материалов

Н.В. Переборова, В.И. Вагнер
Математическое моделирование эксплуатационных процессов полимерных парашютных строп

Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

Е.Е. Смирнов, В.В. Костылева, А.Р. Муртазина, И.Б. Разин
Сравнение функций потерь при распознавании по подометрическим снимкам

А.В. Демидов, А. Г. Макаров
Математическое моделирование и цифровое прогнозирование термовязкоупругости арамидных текстильных материалов

Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

Н.В. Пчелова, И.С. Городнякова, Л.А. Щербина, И.А. Будкуте, И.С. Радковский
Влияние профиля отверстий фильер на структурно-морфологические особенности волокон, получаемых по диметилформамидному методу на основе терсополимера акрилонитрила, метилакрилата и 2-акриламид-2-метилпропансульфокислоты

А.Н. Буркин, А.Н. Радюк, В.М. Шаповалов, С.В. Зотов
Структура и свойства композиционных материалов с использованием в качестве наполнителя древесного волокна

В.А. Жуковский, Т.С. Филипенко, Р.А. Шахалиев, Т.Ю. Анущенко, А.Э. Стариченкова
Разработка нового поколения биодеструктируемых полимерных имплантатов для хирургического лечения урогинекологических патологий

А.А. Козлов, С.В. Киселев
Моделирование эластических свойств полиэфирных нитей

Н.В. Скобова, Н.Н. Ясинская
Исследование теплозащитных свойств многослойных материалов для спецодежды с использованием функциональных нитей

Процессы и аппараты химических технологий

Н.В. Пчелова, И.С. Городнякова, Л.А. Щербина, И.А. Будкуте
О свойствах волокон, формуемых на основе терсополимера акрилонитрила, метилакрилата и 2-акриламид-2-метилпропансульфокислоты через профилированные каналы фильер

Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

П.С. Карабанов, М.А. Молофеева
Влияние ориентационных напряжений на расширение литьевых изделий из пористых материалов на основе ЭВА

М.А. Егорова, И.М. Егоров
Метод цифрового прогнозирования эксплуатационных процессов технических тканей

А.Р. Муртазина, Е.Е. Смирнов, В.В. Костылева, И.Б. Разин
Проектирование профилирующих элементов ортопедических стелек с помощью нейронной сети

И.О. Степанов, Е.Г. Андреева, В.Ю. Туханова
Исследование маркетинговых факторов, влияющих на приобретение мужских костюмов


И.В. Люкшинова
Исследование влияния многократных стирок на защитные свойства смесовых тканей со специальными отделками, используемых для пошива спецодежды работников нефтегазового комплекса

С.В. Плеханова, Е.С. Пилецкий
Анализ потребительских предпочтений к трикотажным полотнам бельевого назначения для спортивной одежды для занятий волейболом

Г.И. Легезина
Аналитический обзор ассортимента и свойств нетканых укрывных материалов

И.И. Латфуллин
Повышение физико-механических показателей меховой овчины с сырьевыми дефектами

М.Л. Осипова, К.С. Гулина, В.И. Бесшапошникова
Совершенствование структуры и исследование значимых показателей качества декоративно-отделочных тканей из полиэфирных волокон

А.В. Островская, Р.Р. Шагивалиева
Об укреплении кожевой ткани меховых шкурок молодняка нутрии

Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов

М.В. Асланова, А.Е. Третьякова, А.Г. Холмогорова, В.В. Сафонов
Реставрация исторической кожи аксессуаров – саквояжа «М. Würzl & Söhne»



No 1, 2024

System analysis, management and information processing, statistics

A.V. Demidov, N.V. Pereborova
Qualitative assessment of the functionality of polymer textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_01
The article describes a method for conducting a qualitative assessment of the functionality of polymer textile materials in order to increase their competitiveness. This assessment of the functionality of polymer textile materials is carried out on the basis of mathematical modeling of their viscoelasticity. At the same time, one of the generally accepted options for mathematical modeling of viscoelasticity of polymer materials is considered, based on the analytical approximation of experimental “families” of relaxation and deformation curves by normalized relaxation and deformation functions on a logarithmic scale of reduced time.
Keywords: viscoelastic properties, mathematical modeling, polymer materials, textile materials, relaxation processes, deformation processes, competitiveness, functionality, competitiveness

Automation and control of technological processes and production

V.V. Maksach, M.A. Chizhik, V.Y. Yurkov
Development of a mathematical model of the process of shape formation of a surface from draped materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_02
The article discusses the issues of shaping the surface which is made from draped textile materials. Analysis of existing approaches to this problem was carried out. Original approach to mathematical modeling based on a set of principles such as multifactoriality, similarity, continuity and local indefiniteness is proposed. The main factors determined by the shape of the surface have been identified. We consider local indefiniteness of the shape as variable speciality which are conditioned by indefinite external and inner factors. The mathematical model which allows us to use continuous transformations to design a given form of clothing on a human figure has been developed. Taking into account physical, mechanical and geometric properties of the materials we based our analysis of developed model on some original experiments and computer simulation of textile materials.
Keywords: shaping in clothing, drapery, mathematical model, shape prediction, textile material

N.V. Pereborova, V.I. Wagner
Mathematical modeling of operating processes of polymer parachute slangs
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_03
Mathematical modeling of the operational processes of polymer parachute lines allows us to identify patterns of their dynamic behavior during the operation of parachutes, which is extremely important for conducting a qualitative analysis and assessment of the functional and operational properties of developed and existing parachute systems. On the basis of the specified mathematical modeling, computer prediction of stress relaxation and creep processes of the materials under study, fundamental in the theory of viscoelasticity, is also carried out.
Keywords: parachute lines, viscoelasticity, deformation, relaxation, creep, mathematical modeling

Computer modeling and design automation

E.E. Smirnov, V.V. Kostyleva, A.R. Murtazina, I.B. Razin
Comparison of loss functions in recognition based on podometric images
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_04
When using neural networks in solving regression problems, standard loss functions are most often used: the average square of error, the average absolute deviation, the average percentage of absolute error and the average square of logarithmic error. However, in some situations, they do not allow or make it very difficult to achieve the desired result. In this article, we examined the effect of user-defined loss functions on speeding up the learning process and convergence to the desired result.
Keywords: machine learning, neural networks, podogram, loss functions, regression, convolutional neural networks

A.V. Demidov, A.G. Makarov
Mathematical modeling and digital prediction of thermoviscoelasticity of aramid textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_05
The article discusses the issues of mathematical modeling and digital prediction of deformation-relaxation processes of aramid materials under variable temperature conditions. A generalization of methods for predicting nonlinear relaxation and nonlinear creep is proposed for the case of processes occurring under conditions of changing temperature by introducing temperature-strain-time and temperature-force-time analogies into consideration.
Keywords: aramid materials, thermoviscoelasticity, deformation, mathematical modeling, numerical prediction, variable temperature

Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

N.V. Pchalova, I.S. Haradniakova, L.A. Shcherbina, I.A. Budkute, I.S. Radkovsky
The influence of the spinneret holes profile on the structural and morphological features of fibers obtained by the dimethylformamide method based on the terpolymer of acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate and 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfuric acid
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_06
An analysis of the influence of the profile of the spinnerets holes on the structural and morphological characteristics of fibers based on the fiber-forming tercopolymer acrylonitrile (AN), methyl acrylate (MA) and 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfuric acid (AMPS) was carried out. Forming was carried out by the dimethylformamide method using a coagulation bath containing 55 % solvent. The differences in the formation of the cross-section and structure of filaments obtained through round and profiled holes are presented and analyzed.
Keywords: acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate, 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid, copolymer, molding, fiber, hole profile, spinneret, structure, morphology

A.N. Burkin, A.N. Radyuk, V.M. Shapovalov, S.V. Zotov
Structure and properties of composite materials using wood fiber as a filler
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_07
The article presents the operations of the technological scheme for obtaining granulate and materials, various formulation compositions for obtaining materials for shoe soles are given. Composite materials with the use of wood fibers in the amount of 1-5,0 wt. % as a filler are obtained, physical and mechanical properties are investigated, and SEM data of the samples with the analysis of their structure are presented.
Keywords: wood fibers, waste, polyurethane foam, filler, composite, technology, composition, properties, structure

V.A. Zhukovsky, T.S. Filipenko, R.A. Shakaliev, T.Yu. Anushchenko, A.E. Starichenkova
Development of a new generation of biodestructible polymer implants for surgical treatment of urogynecological pathologies
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_08
The purpose of this study is to obtain a new synthetic mesh implant for the surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse in women. Experimental samples were made on warp knitting equipment in the form of a mesh tape; non-absorbable polypropylene and absorbable polydioxanone monofilaments were used in production.
In accordance with medical and technical requirements, the physical and mechanical properties of the obtained samples were studied after exposure to biological fluids in vitro for a certain period of time.
The developed biodegradable implant has the potential to provide physiological longitudinal support for the pelvic organs in women and reduce the risk of postoperative complications. Further in vivo studies are required to evaluate the response of living tissue to the implant.
Keywords: mesh implant, ligature, polypropylene, polydioxanone, biodestruction, physical and mechanical properties

A.A. Kozlov, S.V. Kiselev
Simulation of elastic properties of polyester threads
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_09
The article studies the issues of mathematical modeling of the elastic properties of polyester yarns of varying degrees of twist. Reducing the degree of twist within acceptable limits while maintaining the necessary mechanical properties of the threads reduces the time spent on the production process and brings economic benefits.
Keywords: elasticity, polyester threads, deformation processes, forecasting, recovery processes

N.N. Yasinskaya, N.V. Skobova
Research of the heat protective properties of multilayer materials for workwear using functional threads
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_10
The article presents the results of a study of the thermophysical properties of multilayer materials in the structure two-layer knitted fabrics made of functional polyester threads Quick Dry 18.7 tex (f144), Soft 16.7 tex (f288), Thermo 16.7 tex (f96 ). An analysis of the change in the temperature field of a multilayer package during heating was carried out, and the cooling rate of multilayer materials was calculated. It has been proven that the use of Soft, Quick, Thermo threads in the structure of a knitted fabric allows one to reduce the cooling rate of the multilayer material, which is explained by the presence of numerous small air pores, as well as hollow axial channels in the Thermo thread. A comprehensive assessment of the properties of multilayer materials was carried out in terms of total thermal resistance and air permeability. It is recommended to use bags containing Quick and Thermo functional threads in the structure for the manufacture of workwear with improved heat-protective and hygienic properties.
Keywords: multilayer material, two-layer knitwear, fabric, functional polyester threads, heat-shielding properties, cooling rate

Chemical technology processes and apparatus

N.V. Pchalova, I.S. Haradniakova, L.A. Shcherbina, I.A. Budkute
About the fiber properties which formed through the spinnerets profiled holes using terpolymer of acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate and 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfuric acid
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_11
An analysis was carried out of the influence of the profile of the holes of the dies on the specific breaking load, elongation at break, workability, shrinkage, as well as dyeability with cationic dyes of fibers based on the fiber-forming tersopolymer acrylonitrile (AN), methyl acrylate (MA) and 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS), molded using the dimethylformamide method using a precipitation bath containing 55% solvent. The dependence of the studied fiber parameters on the profile shape of the die holes and the temperature of the precipitation bath is presented and analyzed.
Keywords: acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate, 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, copolymer, molding, fiber, hole profile, spinneret, strength, shrinkage, performance, dyeing

Technology for the production of textile and light industry products

P.S. Karabanov, M.A. Molofeeva
Influence of orientation stresses on expansion of casting articles made of porous materials based on EVA
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_12
The influence of orientation stresses in casting products made of EVA-based materials on their expansion was revealed. It has been found that the increase in orientation stresses reduces the expansion coefficient of the articles, which is explained by the hindering effect of the orientation structure of the material on the free expansion of the articles when they are removed from the mold. nomogram of relationship of orientation stresses in material of articles and coefficient of their expansion at different values of casting mold and duration of vulcanization is presented.
Keywords: EVA-based materials, injection molding, structuring, thermal disassembly, expansion factor, orientation stresses

M.A. Egorova, I.M. Egorov
Method for digital prediction of operating processes of technical fabrics
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_13
Using the example of technical fabric used as the inner layers of protective helmets to protect the human head from injury, the process of predicting the operational process is considered. The presented methodology is based on mathematical modeling of the creep process and makes it possible to predict with a sufficient degree of accuracy the operational processes of technical fabrics, including deformation-recovery processes of any degree of complexity, which gives grounds for technological selection of fabrics that have the specified impact-resistant characteristics even at the product design stage.
Keywords: deformation, creep, viscoelasticity, sewing materials, forecasting, recovery processes, technical fabrics

A.R. Murtazina, E.E. Smirnov, V.V. Kostyleva, I.B. Razin
Designing orthopedic insoles profiling elements using neural networks
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_14
Based on an analysis of sources, a concept for the manufacture of in-lay orthopedic products using a neural network is proposed, the stages of the design process are described, and problems that require solutions are identified. The article contains a methodology for designing orthopedic insoles and features of their manufacture using digital processing machines and 3D printing technology. The issues of using materials permitted for use by the properties of the intersole layer are addressed. During the research, experiments were carried out on images from the podograph, and different neural network structures were tested. It was revealed that with the help of such an architecture it is possible to determine the position of the feet in the podograph image, taking into account anomalies with a deviation of up to 84%. The main focus is on visualization: selection of appropriate tools (programming language and libraries), development of the application interface. The article describes the features of libraries for working with 3D objects - numpy-stl, pymesh, pyvista, as well as for the graphical interface - PyQT5, TKinter, Pyside, PyQT5/PySide+QML, Kivy, PySimpleGUI, wxPython. The selection of the most suitable tools for solving the problem was carried out, the program code was developed and a visualization (interbody layers) of the profiling of the insole elements was provided. The scientific novelty lies in displaying the position of the feet on a podograph image using a neural network, calculating their sizes, conditions and zonal pressure. Based on the results of the results and the expert's recommendations, the program selects several elements, ensuring the construction of reasonable insoles designs. The proposed concept for the development of in-lay orthopedic products makes it possible to automate the process of their manufacture and reduce production time.
Keywords: orthopedic insole; shoe customization; machine learning; visualization; python; 3D printing

I.O. Stepanov, E.G. Andreeva, V.Y. Tukhanova
The research of marketing factors, which exert the purchase of men's suits
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_15
The article presents a study of consumer properties of products that influence the purchase of men's suits. The significance was assessed taking into account the status of the respondent (consumer, manufacturer, seller). The average ratings of the characteristics of men's suits were compared, taking into account the gender and age category of the respondents. Statistical methods of data analysis have been used to establish consumer preferences when choosing classic men's suits.
Keywords: marketing, men's suit, consumer properties

Materials Science

I.V. Lyukshinova
Study on the effect of multiple washing on the protective properties of mixed fabrics with special finishes, used for sewing operating clothing for workers of the oil and gas complex
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_16
The work carried out a study of the physical properties of fabrics used for the manufacture of special clothing for workers in the oil and gas complex. All samples had oil- and water-repellent impregnation. The samples were subjected to repeated washing, after which changes in linear dimensions after repeated washing, air permeability, water and oil repellency were determined. Based on the results of a one-factor experiment, mathematical models were obtained to predict the value of quality indicators depending on the number of washes.
Keywords: fabrics for special clothing, oil- and water-repellent impregnation, change in linear dimensions after multiple washes, breathability, water repellency, oil repellency, multiple washes, mathematical model, one-factor experiment

S.V. Plekhanova, E.S. Piletsky
Analysis of consumer preferences for knitted cloths for sportswear for volleyball
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_17
As a result of the study of consumer preferences, the preferences of volleyball athletes were identified according to the criteria: frequency of purchase, manufacturing companies, fiber composition, price range, determining quality indicators, reasons for buying new products, athletes' feelings during the operation of the mold, determining quality indicators.
Keywords: volleyball, consumers, sports uniforms, preferences, survey, respondents, indicators, knitted fabrics

G.I. Legezina
Analytical review of the range and properties of non-woven covering materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_18
The article provides an analytical review of the range, quality indicators and manufacturers of non-woven covering materials used in agriculture and horticulture. The main quality indicators and regulatory documentation used to assess the conformity of these objects are provided.
Keywords: non-woven covering material, standardized quality indicators of non-woven covering material, regulatory documents, manufacturers of non-woven covering material

I.I. Latfullin
Increasing the physical and mechanical indicators of fur sheepskin with raw material defects
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_19
In this article methods for solving the current problem of increasing the physical and mechanical indicators of fur sheepskin with hidden raw material defects are view. The main defect is the delamination of leather fabric can appear during the manufacture processes and increase the percent of defects. The solution of the problem can be achieved by integrated approach combining manufacturing processes and operations and low-energy ion treatment. The influence of the parameters of liquid processes (temperature and time interval) and the composition of tanning agents and acrylic emulsions on the physical and mechanical indicators of fur sheepskin leather tissue is shown. Treatment with a flow of low-energy ions generated in a radio-frequency capacitive discharge plasma environment makes possible to regulate the strength indicators of leather tissue of fur sheepskin has been established.
Keywords: fur sheepskin, peeling of leather tissue, physical and mechanical indicators of leather tissue

M.L. Osipova, K.S. Gulina, V.I. Besshaposhnikova
Improvement of the structure and research of significant quality indicators of decorative and finishing fabrics from polyester fibers
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_20
The paper presents significant indicators and results of examination of the quality of curtain fabrics for interior design objects. Effective parameters for the fire-retardant modification of curtain fabrics made of polyester fibers with phosphorus-containing flame retardants Florimp K Werde and fire retardant T-2 (Noflan) have been established. Fire-resistant curtain fabrics are characterized by a high oxygen index of 27-29% and the absence of residual smoldering and combustion. Curtain fabrics have high physical and mechanical properties and can be recommended for creating the object-spatial environment of the interior of both residential and public premises.
Keywords: quality, properties, fire protection, curtain fabrics

A.V. Ostrovskaya, R.R. Shagivalieva
About strengthening the skin tissue of fur skins of young nutria
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_21
This paper examines the current problem of obtaining semi-finished fur products with improved consumer properties using oligomer-polymer materials. It has been shown that treatment with organic compounds makes it possible to create a complete dermis of the skin tissue of young nutria skins, including both papillary and reticular layers.
Keywords: styrene-acrylic copolymer, modified amino resin, fur semi-finished product, skins of young nutria

Museum studies, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects

M.V. Aslanova, A.E. Tretyakova, A.G. Holmogorova, V.V. Safonov
Restoration of historical leather accessories - valise"M. Würzl & Söhne"
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2024_65_01_22
The concept of historical leather includes leather products made no earlier than 50 years ago, since such a requirement is imposed on objects of historical and cultural heritage, antiques. Over time, the skin loses elasticity, firmness, becomes rigid and brittle, loses its qualities and collapses. As a result, the product loses its appearance and shape, the skin darkens, and the exhibit becomes close to loss. The task is to determine the optimal composition of the fattening emulsion, which makes it possible to give the skin plasticity and at the same time has preservative properties.
Keywords: restoration, leather, greasing, greasing composition, accessories, valise, metal fittings