Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 2, 2023



В.Е. Беденко, Е.С. Цобкалло, И.Ю. Тропанихин, А.Е. Ерохина
Исследование прочностного ресурса технических тканей в процессе светопогодного старения

Н.В. Переборова
Вариант проведения качественной оценки релаксационных и восстановительных свойств полимерных текстильных материалов

А.В. Островская, Р.Р. Шагивалиева
Об изменении прочностных и гигиенических свойств шкурок кролика раннего убоя, обработанных смолой кфс-ипс на стадии отмоки

Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

С.В. Киселев
Исследование и моделирование деформационных свойств текстильных эластомеров для имплантологии

А.А. Колодин
Методы моделирования вязкоупругости арамидных текстильных материалов

Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

Н.С. Климова
Проведение оценки функциональности полимерных текстильных материалов с целью повышения их конкурентоспособности

А.Г. Макаров
Повышение точности математического моделирования и прогнозирования деформационных процессов полимерных текстильных материалов

Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации, статистика

А.А. Козлов, С.В. Киселев
Методы прогнозирования релаксационных и деформационных процессов полимерных текстильных материалов

В.И. Вагнер, Е.С. Чистякова, Я.С. Томашевич, А.А. Колодин
Вариант оценки эксплуатационных и функциональных свойств полимерных текстильных нитей

Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

Т.М. Борисова
Исследование впорности женской обуви с различной высотой каблука в реальных условиях подбора

Л.В. Лобова, Н.В. Яковлева, Е.И. Девятова
Вопросы экспертизы качества танцевальной обуви

О.Е. Гаврилова, Л.Л. Никитина, Н.В. Тихонова
О возможности применения модульной кастомизации для совершенствования структуры ассортимента предприятий легкой промышленности

П.С. Карабанов, А.В. Кукарчук, Г.А. Бороздина
Исследование антипрокольных характеристик деталей низа обуви

А.С. Николаева, А.В. Труевцев, В.В. Рябущенко
Проектирование технологических параметров кулирного платированного трикотажа

Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

Д.В. Вольнова
Влияние ориентационной вытяжки на электропроводящие свойства полимерных композитных мононитей, наполненных углеродными нановолокнами

К.Э. Разумеев, Е.Ю. Шампаров, С.В. Родэ, И.Н. Жагрина
Металлизация поверхности волокон легкого утепляющего материала, минимизирующая радиационный вклад в его перенос тепла

Д.А. Хайруллов, К.Н. Каримов, Э.Ф. Вознесенский, М.М. Гребенщикова, Ю.А. Тимошина, Н.В. Тихонова
Исследование влияния металлосодержащих PVD-покрытий на антистатические свойства полимерных волокнистых материалов

Д.В. Вольнова
Математическое моделирование процесса электропереноса в композитных полимерных материалах с матрицами разной структуры и углеродным наполнителем

Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов

Л.В. Мальцева
Развитие культурных традиций (Кубань)

Теория и история культуры, искусства

Е.М. Ермолаева
Традиционный орнамент народов севера Европы в трикотаже люксовых брендов XXI века

В.Л. Жуков
Типология множеств художественных образов ювелирных дизайн-объектов предметно-пространственной среды на основе булевой логики




No 2, 2023

Materials Science

V.E. Bedenko, E.S. Tsobkallo, I.Yu. Tropanikhin, A.E. Erokhin
Study of the strength resource of technical fabrics in the process of light-weather aging
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_01
A method is proposed for determining the strength resource that ensures the safe operation of technical fabrics, taking into account various climatic zones, with various modes of intermittent or continuous exposure to light weather. The method is illustrated by examples of assessing the strength resources of seventeen variants of fabrics subjected to natural light-weather effects in the Leningrad, Kursk and Rostov regions and predicting their resources in four other regions of the country - Moscow, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk, Astrakhan with intermittent seasonal operation schedules.
Keywords: technical textile materials, light-weather resistance, light-weather aging kinetics, strength service life

N.V. Pereborova
Variant of Qualitative Assessment of Relaxation and Recovery Properties of Polymeric Textile Materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_02
The article considers a variant of conducting a qualitative assessment of the relaxation and recovery properties of polymeric textile materials according to the parameters of the mathematical model of relaxation of these materials. The advantage of the proposed method is that a qualitative assessment of the relaxation and recovery properties of polymeric textile materials does not require an expensive experiment, but it is sufficient to analyze the parameters of the mathematical model of relaxation.
Keywords: qualitative assessment, mathematical modeling, polymers, textile materials, assessment criteria, relaxation properties, restorative properties

A.V. Ostrovskaya, R.R. Shagivalieva
On the change in the strength and hygienic properties of rabbit skins of early slaughter treated with CFR-IPAresin at the stage of soaking
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_03
In this paper, the actual problem of obtaining a fur semi-finished product with improved consumer properties using synthesized amino resin is considered. The effect of aminosmole modified with isopropyl alcohol on the physico-mechanical and hygienic parameters of rabbit skins of early slaughter is shown.
Keywords: synthesis, modified amino resin, fur-and-fur semi-finished product, rabbit skins of early slaughter

Computer modeling and design automation

S.V. Kiselev
Research and modeling of deformation properties of textile elastomers for implantology
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_04
The article deals with the research and modeling of the performance properties of polymeric textile elastomers for implantology, which are important for determining the functionality of these materials. The article also presents the technical characteristics of a representative group of polymeric materials used for the manufacture of textile elastomers for implantology.
Keywords: research, mathematical modeling, elastomers, textile materials, deformation properties, relaxation, creep

A.A. Kolodin
Methods for modeling viscoelasticity of aramid textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_05
The article provides a description of methods for modeling the viscoelasticity of aramid textile materials and methods for their study. Primary information about the viscoelasticity of the materials under study can be obtained from experimental tension diagrams, and a more detailed study of viscoelastic properties requires mathematical modeling of relaxation or deformation processes.
Keywords: viscoelastic properties, mathematical modeling, polymers, textile materials, relaxation processes, deformation processes

Automation and control of technological processes and production

N.S. Klimova
Conducting an assessment of the functionality of polymeric textile materials in order to increase their competitiveness
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_06
The article describes a method for assessing the functionality of polymeric textile materials in order to increase their competitiveness. This assessment of the functionality of polymeric textile materials is carried out on the basis of mathematical modeling of their viscoelasticity. In this case, one of the generally recognized variants of mathematical modeling of the viscoelasticity of polymeric materials is considered, based on the analytical approximation of experimental "families" of relaxation and deformation curves by normalized relaxation and deformation functions on a logarithmic scale of the reduced time.
Keywords: viscoelastic properties, mathematical modeling, polymeric materials, textile materials, relaxation processes, deformation processes, competitiveness, functionality, competitiveness

A.G. Makarov
Increasing the Accuracy of Mathematical Modeling and Prediction of Deformation Processes in Polymeric Textile Materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_07
The article deals with the issues of improving the accuracy of mathematical modeling and predicting the deformation processes of polymeric textile materials, which are proposed to be carried out on the basis of the corresponding integral criteria for the adequacy of modeling the viscoelasticity of these materials. The criteria represent an estimate of the magnitude of the deviations of the values of the integral convolutions of the nuclei of relaxation and creep of polymeric textile materials from the theoretically substantiated single value. The less the value of the specified integral convolution differs from a single value, the more adequate the developed models of relaxation and creep, and, therefore, the corresponding numerical prediction of viscoelastic-plastic processes of the studied polymeric textile materials will be more accurate.
Keywords: degree of accuracy, mathematical modeling, forecasting, textile materials, polymers, viscoelastic-plastic processes

System analysis, information management and processing, statistics

A.A. Kozlov, S.V. Kiselev
Methods for Predicting Relaxation and Deformation Processes of Polymeric Textile Materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_08
The article discusses methods for predicting relaxation and deformation modes of operation of polymer textile materials. The basis of mathematical models of relaxation and deformation processes of the studied materials is the spectral-temporal theory of viscoelasticity.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, prediction, polymeric textile materials, deformation properties, relaxation, creep

V.I. Wagner, E.S. Chistyakova, Ya.S. Tomashevich, A.A. Kolodin
A variant for evaluating the operational and functional properties of polymeric textile yarn
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_09
The article considers the option of assessing the operational and functional properties of polymeric textile yarns. The evaluation of operational and functional properties of polymeric textile yarns is carried out on the basis of mathematical modeling, prediction and system analysis of elastic, viscoelastic and plastic properties of these yarns. Methods have also been proposed for dividing the total strain and mechanical work of deformation of polymeric textile yarns into elastic, viscoelastic, and plastic components that are essential in determining their functionality.
Keywords: qualitative assessment, mathematical modeling, numerical prediction, textile materials, polymer threads, elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity

Technology for the production of textile and light industry products

T. M. Borisova
The study of the fit of women's shoes with different heel heights in real conditions of choice
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_10
A study was made of the preferences of customers when choosing shoes, an analysis of modern lasts for women's shoes, a discrepancy between the sizes of shoes bought by women and the actual sizes of the feet for which these shoes are intended was established.
Keywords: shoes, shoe comfort, size, shoe last, foot length

L.V. Lobova, N.V. Yakovleva, E. I. Devyatova
Questions of examination of the quality of dance shoes
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_11
The variety of dance shoes is considered, an overview of the design features of shoes for balls dancing is made. The difference in the qualification of defects in dance shoes and casual or model shoes is shown.
Keywords: dance shoes, design features, manufacturing technology, examination, defects

P. S. Karabanov, A.V. Kukarchuk, G.A. Borozdina.
Investigation of anti-puncture characteristics of shoe bottom parts
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_12
A model of piercing the sole with a test rod is proposed and the influence of the elastic-strength properties of the plantar material and its thickness on the force of a through puncture is determined. The range of values of the thickness of the sole and the modulus of elasticity of the plantar material, within which the puncture resistance ensures the safety of shoes, has been established. The results obtained will allow you to choose plantar materials and the thickness of the soles that ensure the safe operation of shoes in conditions of possible contact with sharp objects.
Keywords: anti-puncture characteristics; plantar materials; piercing model; shoe safety; piercing rod; puncture force

A. S. Nikolaeva, A. V. Truevtsev, V. V. Riabuschenko
The calculation of weft-knitted plated fabric dimensional parameters
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_13
The models of relaxed plain-knit structure proposed by previous workers suffer from the assumption that the loop is formed by a single yarn. However the majority of the knitted fabrics are manufactured from the two yarns. If the mentioned yarns are different the knitted structure usually defined as plated stitch. In this paper plated stitch loop model is present and analyzed as system of localized forces and couples acting in the loop at the interlocking points. The calculated knitted loop dimensional parameters are compared with the experimental data.
Keywords: weft-knitting, plated stitch, loop model, yarn bending rigidity, yarn-to-yarn friction, wale-spacing, course-spacing

Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

D. V. Vol’nova
The effect of orientation drawing on the electrically conductive properties of polymer composite monofilaments filled with carbon nanofibers
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_14
The article is devoted to the study on the basis of mathematical modeling of the influence of orientation drawing of polymer composite monofilament filled with carbon nanofibers on its electrically conductive properties.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, percolation process, composite materials, Boltzmann function

K.E. Razumeev, E.Yu. Shamparov, S.V. Rode, I.N. Zhagrina
Metallization of fibers surface of lightweight thermal insulation material, minimizing the radiative contribution to its heat transfer
OI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_15
The procedure for obtaining samples of a non-woven fibrous material with a different thickness of a metal nanolayer deposited on the fibers and its most homogeneous distribution in the volume of the structure is described. Dependences of the material thermal conductivity at different metallization thicknesses without screens and with radiation screens between the layers of the material are measured. The efficiency of two methods of reducing the radiative component of heat transfer is compared.
Keywords: radiant-conductive heat transfer, non-woven insulation material, vacuum deposition

D.A. Khayrullov, K.N. Karimov, E.F. Voznesensky, M.M. Grebenshchikova, Y.A. Timoshina, N.V. Tikhonova
The effect of metal-containing PVD coatings on the antistatic properties of polymer fibrous materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_16
The article examines the effect of metal-containing PVD coatings on the antistatic properties of textile and light industry materials. Methods of vacuum-plasma coatings deposition are considered, the effect of coatings on the antistatic properties of polymer fibrous materials are established.
Keywords: antistatic properties, electrostatic field strength, textile material, natural leather, magnetron sputtering, arc evaporation, titanium, titanium nitride, copper

D. V. Vol’nova
Mathematical modeling of the electric transfer process in composite polymer materials with matrices of different structures and carbon filler
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_17
The article is devoted to the mathematical modeling of the electric transfer process in polymer composite monofilaments filled with carbon nanofibers, depending on the structure of the polymer matrix.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, composite materials, Boltzmann function, electric transfer process

Museum studies, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects

L.V. Maltseva
Development of cultural traditions (Kuban)
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_18
Education of youth on cultural traditions is to create conditions under which, in the process of learning, children study the cultural heritage of their region. The upbringing of young people on the traditions and customs of their region acquires particular urgency. In our Krasnodar Territory, young people study the traditions, customs, culture inherent in the Kuban Cossacks, who carry the amount of knowledge and experience that has been tested for centuries, the culture and way of the ethnic group. Works of arts and crafts and folk art, evoking aesthetic emotions, convince, convey to the consciousness of the younger generation the need for a respectful, careful attitude to the cultural heritage of the region where they live. In order to form an integral system of knowledge, skills and abilities that meet the modern requirements of the future life of students, it is necessary to give in the lesson the knowledge that will be necessary not only for society, but also for the students themselves. The study of folk art, collecting samples, mastering the technology of manufacturing traditional products is one of the most interesting and most fruitful types of work in education. They not only acquire a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also systematically get acquainted with the history of their people with its best examples of craftsmanship. Raising the younger generation on the folk culture of the Kuban is a necessary emotional, inspiring beginning in relation to the individual to the reality around them, so that they learn and transform the world around them according to the laws of nature and beauty. The folk culture of the Kuban Cossacks directs and is capable of activating the worldview of a person. A people without knowledge of its culture, traditions, and customs is deprived of historical memory.
Keywords: upbringing, education, ethnos, culture, traditions, folk art, arts and crafts, village, education, students

Theory and history of culture, art

E.M. Yermolaeva
The north Europe peoples traditional ornament in the knitwear of luxury brands of the XXI century
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_19
The appeal to the traditional motifs of the peoples of the North of Europe is one of the current trends of modern fashion. The paper formulates the definition of «the north Europe peoples traditional ornament", provides an illustration with characteristic ornamental motifs. The chronology of the evolution of knitwear with the use of ethnic ornaments by luxury brands in pret-a-porter collections is constructed, stylistic features of each stage are revealed. Non-standard stylization techniques are revealed.
Keywords: knitwear, ethnic knitwear, luxury knitwear collections, knitwear with ornament, ornament of the peoples of the North of Europe, scandinavian ornament, sweater with reindeer

V.L. Zhukov
Typology of sets of artistic images of jewelry design objects of the object-spatial environment based on Boolean logic
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2023_60_02_20
The creative direction of the author's cognitive design of artistic images of jewelry design objects based on the identification of personal properties of an individual in the process of their optimization with morphological, coloristic and compositional databases of jewelry in the typology of building constructs on Boolean logic operations in Euler-Venn diagrams is considered. A number of artistic images of jewelry design objects were formalized when creating a metaphorical, temporal model of a jewelry product based on a cultural code or a cognitive-mental map of a person's irrational eidos.
Keywords: glass synthesis, opal glasses, overhead glasses, silencing, phosphoric anhydride