Технология легкой промышленности
Журналы СПГУТД: Главная / Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности / Вестник СПГУТД / Дизайн. Материалы. Технология / Вестник Молодых ученых СПГУТД /

№ 2, 2022


К юбилею Макарова Авинира Геннадьевича



Ю.В. Харапудько, А.Е. Карноухов, Ю.А. Тимошина, Э.Ф. Вознесенский, Н.В. Тихонова
Плазмохимическая модификация полиэтиленовых пленок для газопроницаемых многослойных текстильных материалов
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_01


А.Е. Карноухов, Ю.В. Харапудько, Ю.А. Тимошина, Э.Ф. Вознесенский, Я.О. Желонкин
Технологические рекомендации производства ламинированных текстильных материалов с металлическими покрытиями
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_02


Ф.Р. Гарипова, М.В. Пыркова, В.В. Сафонов
Придание малоусадочности, гидро – и олеофобных свойств чистошерстяным материалам
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_03


А.Г. Коган, В.Г. Буткевич, Ф.А. Полоник, Т.С. Столярова, Д.Т. Дубаневич
Технология и оборудование производства латексных оплетенных нитей
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_04

С.С. Гришанова
Сокращение технологической цепочки получения оческовой пряжи
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_05


Н. В. Скобова, Н. Н. Ясинская
Исследование паропроницаемости и пароёмкости одинарных и двухслойных трикотажных структур из функциональных нитей
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_06


Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования

А.В. Красов, В.И. Борисов
Исследование применимости известных методов внедрения цифровых водяных знаков к исполняемым файлам UNIX-подобных систем
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_07


Технология производства изделий текстильной и легкой промышленности

М.В. Бырдина, М.Ф. Мицик
Моделирование оболочечных конструкций из текстильных материалов со встроенной электроникой
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_08


Л. Ф. Богатова, Э. Ф. Вознесенский, Н. В. Тихонова, Аз. Ф. Гайсин
Разработка методики консервации археологических изделий из натуральной кожи
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_09


М.В. Бырдина, М.Ф. Мицик, В.С. Белышева
Расчет и оптимизация геометрических параметров изделий легкой промышленности конической формы
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_10


Технология и переработка синтетических и природных полимеров и композитов

Б. М. Примаченко, Н. В. Калик
Методика определения разрывного напряжения и конечного модуля жёсткости тканей для армирования композиционных материалов
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_11


А.С. Степашкина, Е.А. Гущина, Н.В. Переборова
Композиционные полимеры для защиты от излучения
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_12


А.М. Бочек, Е.А. Терехова, Д.Л. Буслаев, Н.Н. Сапрыкина, Е.М. Иванькова
Получение нанофибрилл хитина из панцирей североморской креветки
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_13


Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами

Абдул Рахман Али, Е.Г. Григорьева
Геометрическая модель двойного прессового переплетения фанг
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_14


Е.Л. Пашин, А.В. Орлов, А.С. Овчаренко
Особенности процесса разрыва льняных волокон на машине рмп-1 по стандартному методу испытания
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_15


А.Г. Куренкова
Развитие цифрового модульного проектирования пресс-форм для формования подошв. Сообщение 3
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_16


Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов

Л. В. Мальцева
История возрождения традиций, обычаев, культуры (Краснодарский край)
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_17


Виды искусства (Техническая эстетика и дизайн)

Т.А. Зайцева, Л.А. Королева, И.А. Слесарчук, О.Г. Иванова
Формирование регионального культурного кода при разработке сувенирной продукции приморского края
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_18


М.В. Таубе, Н.В. Тихонова
Типология дизайн-культур
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_19



No. 2, 2022

To the anniversary of Makarov Avinir Gennadievich


Materials Science

Y.V. Kharapudko, A.E. Karnoukhov. Y.A. Timoshina, E.F. Voznesensky, N.V. Tikhonova
Plasma-chemical modification of polyethylene films for gas-permeable multilayer textile materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_01
The results of experimental studies of changes in the chemical composition of polyethylene (PE) films used to create gas-permeable multilayer textile materials as a result of radio-frequency capacitive (RF) plasma modification in plasma-forming gases argon and air are presented. It is shown that HF plasma modification leads to the formation of functional carboxyl, hydroxyl and amino groups, the presence of which on the surface of the studied materials provides an increase in adhesive properties. Generalized mechanisms of chemical reactions occurring during the plasma modification of polyolefin materials in plasma-forming gas air are presented.
Keywords: multilayer textile material, polyethylene film, radio-frequency capacitive discharge, plasma modification, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, functional group, plasma modification


A.E. Karnoukhov, Y.V. Kharapudko, Y.A. Timoshina, E.F. Voznesensky, Ya.O. Zhelonkin
Technological recommendations for the production of laminated textile materials with metal coatings
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_02
The article presents technological recommendations for obtaining metallized shielding textile materials with improved performance properties. To obtain a continuous conductive layer, a perforated polymer film is applied to the surface of the textile base by thermal pressing. The method of magnetron sputtering was used for metallization of the laminated textile material. To improve the wear resistance of the metal coating, the laminated textile material is subjected to preliminary modification in plasma of a radio-frequency capacitive (RF) discharge at reduced pressure. In the course of the work, together with Ferry Watt LLC, a pilot industrial vacuum installation was developed for deposition of thin metal coatings on rolled materials "VATT 4000-2M".
Keywords: laminated textile material, polymer film, metallization, shielding, magnetron, radio-frequency capacitive discharge

F.R. Garipova, M.V. Pyrkova, V.V. Safonov
Imparting low-shrinkability, hydro and oleophobic properties to clean-grain materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_03
The final finish of the stone-wool pure-haired fabric was analyzed. The expediency of modifying the surface flake layer of wool fiber using low-temperature plasma is shown, which makes it possible to dramatically increase the capillary and sorption properties of the treated material, due to which it is possible to carry out a continuous process of wool fabric. A technology has been developed for imparting improved consumer properties to clean-haired fabric, allowing machine washing to be carried out while maintaining the original dimensions. The effectiveness of using organofluorine preparations to impart hydro- and olefective properties is shown.
Keywords: wool cloth, surface layer modification, shrinkage, hydrophobizators, low-temperature plasma, water resistance


A. G. Kogan, V. G. Butkevich, F. A. Polonik, T. S. Stolyarova, D. T. Dubanevich
Technology and equipment for the production of latex brained threads
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_04
A technology has been proposed and equipment has been created for producing latex braided threads with a wide range of linear densities. The forces acting on the threads during their formation are determined. Suggested recommendations for optimizing the technological process.
Keywords: technology, latex thread, equipment, spindle, drive, speed, acceleration, movement, thread spreader, winding drum


S.S. Hryshanava
Reduction of the technological chain for obtaining linen tow yarn
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_05
Studies have been carried out on the possibility of reducing the technological chain for obtaining 110 tex linen tow yarn by eliminating one draw frame. The physical and mechanical properties and defects of semi-finished products and 110 tex tow yarn obtained using 3 (experimental) draw transitions and 4 draw transitions (basic) in the technological chain were studied. Comparative analysis of obtained data was carried out. The normalized and non-normalized indicators of the quality of the experimental yarn samples, as well as their semi-finished products, remained practically at the same level as that of the basic samples. It has been established that reduction to the technological chain for the production of 110 tex tow yarn by eliminating one chain transition is possible, while maintaining the quality of the yarn at the same level.
Keywords: cost reduction, tow yarn, quality


N. V. Skobova, N. N. Yasinskaya
Study of the vapor permeability and vapor capacity of single and double-layer knitted structures from functional threads
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_06
The article presents the results of a study of the vapor permeability and vapor capacity of single-layer and multilayer knitted structures obtained by interlocking polyester textured Quick Dry functional yarns and Soft microfilament yarns produced by JSC SvetlogorskKhimvolokno. Materials and products made from new generation threads make it possible to create multifunctional textiles with specified properties for the required purpose. As a result of the research, it was found that the presence of Quick Dry threads in the composition of the multilayer material reduces its vapor permeability and increases the vapor capacity, due to the high ability of this type of thread to absorb water vapor and droplet moisture. The optimal combination of layers of single knitted structures in the package structure was chosen, which ensures the transport of moisture at high speed from the bottom layer to the front layer, from which it evaporates into the atmosphere: two-layer Quick/Soft knitted structures. These materials have high hygienic properties and can be used to produce comfortable sports, protective and work clothing and footwear.
Keywords: polyester functional yarns, knitted structures, multilayer material, vapor permeability, vapor capacity, transport properties


Computer modeling and design automation

S.I. Shterenberg, V.I. Borisov
Study on usage of known methods of digital watermarking to executable files of UNIX-like systems
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_07
Insertion of DW into executable files will bring oportunities to ensure integrity of file and control its distribution. Indeed, the insertion can identify a developer of a software and also can be used as additional security feauture.
Keywords: digital watermarks, executable file, UNIX, Linux


Technology for the production of textile and light industry products

M.V. Byrdina, M.F. Mitsik
Modeling of shell structures made of textile materials with integrated electronics
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_08
Abstract - The paper proposes modeling of a multilayer shell that integrates with modern electronic devices. Shell structures can be modeled both as a textile shell for humans, and in the form of a shell for a robotic product with a fabric based on carbon fibers, glass fibers, or fibers of natural origin. The possible advantages of shell structures made of textile and other materials for weaving and weaving shells are shown. The paper presents an analytical calculation of the geometry of a shell structure for a robot, or for a human, which is a set of elements of surfaces of conical or cylindrical shape. The geometrical description of the surface details is carried out in Cartesian rectangular and cylindrical coordinate systems. Both the spatial elements of the shell and the articulation lines of the shell elements in the form of spatial curves are constructed. The surface of the simulated shell structure is deployable, which allows minimizing the percentage of interlocking attacks on the layout of structural elements and thereby solving the problem of resource-saving materials. To create effective protection for humans and robots, new textile and composite materials are needed for the production of electronic circuits on flexible boards, the creation of a topology of conductive threads woven into the fabric and connecting electronic devices.
Keywords: flexible low-tensile multilayer shell, analytical description of the surface, textile materials, electronic devices


L.F. Bogatova, E.F. Voznesensky, N.V. Tikhonova, Az.F. Gaisin
Development of a method for the conservation of archaeological items made of natural leather
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_09
The results of experimental studies of the processes of preservation of archaeological leather products using a preservative composition based on acrylic dispersion and with the addition of a UV filter and silver nanoparticles and high-frequency (HF) plasma modification are presented.
Keywords: archaeological leather fabric, acrylic dispersion, plasma modification, conservation, low pressure high frequency discharge


M.V. Byrdina, M.F. Mitsik, V.S. Belysheva
Calculation and optimization of geometric parameters of light industry products of conical shape
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_10
The paper proposes an analytical calculation of the geometric parameters of textile products of conical shape and a method of dense placement on an infinite plane of spiral scans of the lateral surface of a straight circular truncated cone. The boundaries of the spiral sweep are the arcs of circles and the spirals of Archimedes. One scan of the side surface of the cone represents one detail of the layout. The approach of finding a dense layout using the implementation of transformations of the rotation of figures and their parallel transfer in the Maple environment is proposed. As an example of a conical surface, we consider a surface with a boundary helical line close to a semi-linear curve. It is shown that for the proposed layout of spiral scans of the lateral surface of the cone, the proportion of interlocking lunges is 5.3%, and for straight conical scans of the same lateral surface - 10.2%.
Keywords: straight sweep of a circular truncated cone, helical line, dense layout, spiral sweep, infinite plane, percentage of interstitial waste


Technology and processing of synthetic and natural polymers and composites

B. M. Primachenko, N. V. Kalik
Method for determining the breaking stress and the final modulus of rigidity of fabrics for reinforcing composite materials
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_11
The work is devoted to the determination of the breaking stress and the final stiffness modulus of polypropylene fabric, taking into account the number of measurements. Experimental studies of changes in the cross-sectional area of the tissue depending on the tensile strain have been carried out. The breaking stress and final modulus of stiffness were calculated with confidence limits of errors using the method of indirect measurements.
Keywords: polypropylene fabric, cross-sectional area, breaking load, tensile strain, breaking stress, stiffness modulus


A. S. Stepashkina, E. A. Guschina, N. V. Pereborova
Composite polymers for microwave protection
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_12
The paper presents the results of a study of the microwave effect impact on composite materials obtained on the basis of a polypropylene matrix. Carbon particles and copper dust were used as a filler. It is shown that such composite materials are presented as raw materials for the manufacture of protective clothing and means from amazing microwaves.
Keywords: protection from microwave light, composite materials, polypropylene, copper, carbon fillers


A.M. Bochek, E.A. Terekhova, D.L. Buslaev, N.N. Saprykina, E.M. Ivankova,
Obtaining nanofibrils of chitin from the shells of the north sea shrimp
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_13
The conditions for obtaining chitin nanofibrils from the original domestic raw material - chitin from North Sea shrimp shells were studied. The kinetics of chitin hydrolysis in a 3N hydrochloric acid solution for 4 h was studied, electron micrographs of the samples were obtained, and distribution curves of nanofibrils in diameter and length were plotted.
Keywords: chitin nanofibrils, hydrolysis, electron microscopy

Automation and control of technological processes and production

Abdul Rahman Ali, E.G. Grigorieva
Geometrical model for full cardigan structure
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_14
The paper presents a geometric model of full-cardigan. The loop and tuck heads are ellipses in two dimensions, where the loop heads are inclined in the thickness direction at an angle α1, and the tuck heads are located in the vertical direction. The rest of the loops and tucks were taken as parabolic helices wrapped on circular cylinders. Technological parameters are determined for a flat knitting fabric made of wool yarn in full-relaxed state.
Keywords: knitwear, geometric model, cardigan structure, full-cardigan


E.L. Pashin, A.V. Orlov, A.S. Ovcharenko
Specific properties of flax fiber tearing during standard testing process using rmp-1 testing machine
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_15
Article presents the results of an attempt to improve the standard method of testing the tensile strength of flax fiber using the testing machine RMP-1. It is demonstrated, that tensile strength utilization quotient is affected not only by the properties of the fibers, but also by the specific design of the clamps. Based on earlier experiments, a mechanical model of the fiber bundle is suggested, composed of Hooke’s elastic unit and a gap unit. A simulation algorithm is also suggested, based on two concurrent processes. First is deformation of individual fibers within the bundle, the other is related to the force applied by the moving clamp of the RMP-1 machine. Numeric simulation indicates a statistically significant impact of the gap sizes, which are affected by the way the fibers are clamped. Additionally, it is demonstrated that reducing the gap size variation results in 10% increase in tensile strength utilization quotient. This indicates the necessity of improving the clamp design.
Keywords: flax, tearing, fiber bundle, simulation, stretching, elasticity, gap, tensile strength utilization quotient, clamp design


A.G. Kurenkova, S.V. Tatarov, E.V. Zazhigina
Development of digital modular design of molds for molding soles. Message 3
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_16
A new method is considered that allows using computer technologies to design injection molding equipment in the form of separate modules and display the formation of a corrugated injection space in a mold for molding soles separately. In the method, the shell surface of the injection cavity is formed by a set of composite 3D elements obtained earlier on the basis of a digital semi-finished product and the primary source. Computer-aided design of a mold made of monolithic modules provides full-fledged corrugation of the shell injection molding space of a large area and is intended for the use of advanced technologies for the manufacture of elements, including additive technology.
Keywords: digital design, mold, sole, forming with crimping on the track, shell surface, 3D printing with metal


Museum studies, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects

L.V. Maltseva
History of the revival of traditions, customs and culture (Krasnodar region)
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_17
One of the main tasks of the artistic and cognitive development of schoolchildren is the formation of their creative and individual abilities by means of decorative and applied composition. The solution of this problem will become possible only when a certain aesthetic attitude to reality and fine arts is formed on the basis of artistic and aesthetic needs.
Keywords: education, education, art, composition, ethno-artistic culture, traditions, customs, arts and crafts composition


Kinds of art

T.A. Zaytseva, L.A. Koroleva, I.A. Slesarchuk, O.G. Ivanova
Formation of a regional cultural code in the development of souvenir products of the Primorsky Territory
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_18
The article presents the results of the analysis of symbolic means when creating a regional cultural code, formed on the basis of ornamental compositions of indigenous peoples living in the Primorsky Territory, as well as on the basis of modern objects of the natural environment that symbolize this region.
Keywords: cultural code, Primorsky Krai, Udege, ornament, objects of the natural environment


M.V. Taube, N.V. Tikhonova
Typology of design cultures
DOI: 10.46418/0021-3489_2022_56_02_19
The features of the development of design in various countries of the world are considered. The evolution of modern society at the stage of development of design is reflected. The identification of reference samples of design cultures is substantiated. The types of design cultures represented in the territories of the modern world have been formed. The relationship between mentality and design cultures is shown. The possibility of crop migration between different types is determined.
Keywords: design, material objects, virtual environment, norm, standard